deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Maybe I'm just too old school to hate cutscenes. When I was a kid there were no cutscenes in any game. The first game I played that had them was Ninja Gaiden on NES, and that was pretty much revolutionary. The opening scene set a nice mood for the story, and the ones in between levels were like a reward for advancing in the game.

    I still see cutscenes that way. They do nothing but enhance the experience for me, and reward me for playing well enough to move on. I don't see them as a hindrance at all.

    But I guess I can see how they could be taken for granted in this age of cutscene-centric games. And things like Final Fantasy with their long-ass summon scenes, or Metal Gear with 90 minute scenes don't really help matters.

  • Yes, I've now downloaded .99.82 and it works fine in that, however it was broken in .99.62. Note that 99.62 is the current "official download" that newbies like myself are acquiring

    Yes, this has been causing some problems lately. It used to be that the devs would keep the newest build in the Discussion forum for about a week to see if there were any major problems with it before releasing it to the front page. Now I believe they want the next official release to be 1.0, so that's why they're holding off.

    Personally I think it would be a good idea to put up any newer version as long as it's more stable than the last, so as to cut down on confusion.

  • Not at all. Don't worry about it, you're not the first person to make this mistake, and you won't be the last. Not by a long shot, I would imagine.

    As for your original question about the collision masks though... There were three problems with what you were doing there. The first is that you cropped your mask down to the ground level. As far as I can tell, you shouldn't do that. Just re-draw the mask in the same space as your image, and leave the rest of the blank area untouched and uncropped. Otherwise you will have weird collision problems where the mask doesn't line up with the image. The second is that Tiled Backgrounds have box collision anyway. They don't do per-pixel. The third is that custom masks don't work on Tiled Backgrounds, for that very reason. Masks are for sprites. I'm surprised that the picture editor even allows you to edit the mask of a tile. Kinda strange, I think Davo should probably fix that.

  • I'm pretty sure deadeye means you not using a different object for the stump - this saves video memory and lets you place the stump as you wish.


    Now! LegendaryBlade, listen up!

    Pay close attention!

    What you are doing is wrong!

    Game graphics are not made out of one large image. They're made up of tiles. This is because games are terrible, terrible memory hogs. Small tiles allow you to put the pieces together like a puzzle to make a bigger picture. You can reuse a small tile as many times as you like and there will be very little impact on memory, because your graphics card only has to remember how to draw the small tile just once. It can make a million copies in the blink of an eye with no problem. But large images on the other hand take up precious memory and if you use them then you are going to jail.

    Okay then, here is your new grass tile:

    <img src="">

    Wowowee! It's only 64x64 pixels! Amazing. And you can tile it forever and it repeats seamlessly and everything.

    I've also updated your .cap file with all the other graphics you had in yours... take a look at it now.


    As you can see, the tree stumps and rocks have been made into separate objects that you can put wherever you like. There is also a separate collision layer with a hidden solid tile for Sonic to run on. Now the doors of perception have been cleansed.

    On an unrelated note, you won't be able to make a Sonic game using the Platform behavior. I guarantee it. You will need to make your own platform engine using Custom Movement behavior, or by coding the whole thing from scratch with events. Also, you're very likely going to need a separate hitbox for your sprite. Per-pixel collision is bad news when it comes to platform games.

  • Candescence? Is that you? I thought this game was called Aria of Destiny.

    Anyway, two questions:

    1. Why are you making such a long ground sprite? It looks like a repeatable pattern, you should be using a Tiled Background for it.

    2. Is that tree stump really part of your background image? Why? It needs to be a separate graphic.

    3. Are you using Bounding Box collision mode for your sprite? How big is your sprite? What the hell is going on?

    Okay, that's like ninety questions. You should post your .cap so someone can take a look at what you're doing. No offense but it really looks like you're making a huge mess of things.

  • Just in case you're wondering, the "Copy collision mask to each frame" feature is currently broken. I have a bug report filed on that one.

    You can still manually edit the collision mask of each frame though.

  • As a response to both of your questions, you need to get rid of the animation tags (set them all to None) and use events to control your animations. Animation tags only work if you have Walking, Jumping, Falling, and Stopped animations. That's it. You can't have more than that because the platform movement isn't designed to recognize any more than that. In other words, you can't use two different kinds of "walk" animations when you're using tags, which is essentially what you're doing.

    You need to use events to control your animations, and you need to beef up the logic a bit:


    Also, you really need to make a separate hitbox for your player. Or else change the collision mask on the sprite. You can't run around with per-pixel collision on an animated platform sprite like that, you're going to get bigtime glitchy results. Make a single rectangular hitbox that doesn't change size and use that instead.

    Oh, and you don't need a giant black Tiled Background to change the color of the background, you can just change the layout color.

  • No, Construct will always be Windows only.

    Construct 2 may have the ability to build games that run on Linux, but the program itself will still be a Windows program I believe.

  • here's the cap, please test it to see if this is happening on more computers (I don't know, could be something that's happening here)

    It's not happening for me. The speed tops out at 310 in both windowed and fullscreen.

  • [quote:3umoht5n]But it's rare a cut-scene is enjoyable.

    I have to disagree with you here. I know you're the kind of person who hates cutscenes and always skips through them. But I think story is an important part of gaming (for story-driven games anyway) and I enjoy cutscenes. I watch every one in every game I play.

    At least the first time through. I only skip them on repeated views.

    As for missing important information from skipping cutscenes and dialogue... well... that's the purpose of custscenes and dialogue. It's your own fault you're missing that information if you skip it.

    It's like reading the manual. I mean, why wouldn't you? It teaches you how to play the game. But so many people skip that too, argh!

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  • Nope, in fact if you try to change it it just gets stronger and more powerful and will eventually take over your whole game.

    (Yes, you can change it . That's the point of this thread... to get people to remember to change it.)

  • There is nothing interesting with my nickname. It is my full name. I want it simple and basic.

    There is also nothing interesting about your spamming. Banned.

    I've also banned two other accounts from, since it's a spamming domain. Don't come back.

  • I believe it's an unfinished object that somehow snuck in early. Nice icon though

  • And now for all the functions:


    <img src="">

    Scales the object proportionally.

    Would be great: Resize proportionally by width, Resize proportionally by height.


    <img src="">

    Scales only width.


    <img src="">

    Scales only height.

    How is this any different from the "Set width" and "Set height" actions?

    And I'm not entirely sure that there would be a need for a plugin to change the scale over time, as that's easy enough to do with events. Here's just one method (I can think of several):

    I don't mean to disparage your idea, I'm just wondering what would make this plugin worth the trouble of creating when it's already got built-in actions for one half and there are really easy methods to do the other half with events. And yeah, I know there are Rotate and Fade behaviors that do simple tasks for you as well, but I doubt their necessity too

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