deadeye's Forum Posts

  • Awesome game idea from another board. Just thought I'd share

    What you our about to read will be the best game ever created and i do need help with it! Copy right to Gameguysz Inc.


    Operation Fallin Angle...

    Year 2450 ->

    (old mid 50's voice)(Female)

    Welcome to EARTH!

    The war free planet since 2120, No guns not problem we hear our a kind and simple people with wind water and sun energy some might call it green energy (Static) We...Fun.. Always..


    CRASH! (Giant ships plummeted to earth!)


    Lady: RUN!

    (Hard stomps from people running)

    2 months later...

    (Clinking of chains)

    <A line of 100 people>

    Captain: Greeting earth we our the followers of Him, You will not look at Him, talk to Him and above all Touch him!

    (Camera pans to a 15 -> 16 year old boy and his girl friend)

    Boy: My name is Michael... And this is my story.

    Guard: Hay you boy! Michael: Huh?!? Guard: Who is that? Michael: My girl friend...

    Guard:Hmmm She's nice i think HE will like her!

    Michael: NO!!! STOP! (He stands up and gets smacked back down)

    Michael: I am no ordinary kid.. For if you make me mad.. I don't turn green i don't take pill's. I... I just, Just talk to her..

    (Pans onto Michael's face)

    Michael: But you take her away from me...

    Well lets just say... I am not me any more.

    (Pan's to Right of his eye with a big wide pupal to the left which shrinks to the size on a pee.)

    (Evil Cheesy laughter.)


    (Heavy Breathing)

    Michael: More.... Give me, More.

    Michael(Spin kick, punches)(People run away)(Crowed of guards rush in to stop the boy)

    (Blade comes from Michael's arm and rushes into 3 people shooting them into the air)

    The story seems OK written out but if i can get some help with the animation i can do the 40 sec's movie soon.

    I also have cool moves for (Michael).

    The story with Michael is this

    He is a boy who gets picked on at school but holds it all in, he prays for help every night! But he didnt think that HE would show up.

    I have a better story and it really seems cool i also like this one, and with the eyes i was trying to say that one eye looks normal but the other pupal is really small.

    I have the pupal so if you all want to see what it looks like then ill take a picture, the pupal is the black dot in the center of your eye's.

    any more questions just ask me ill answer them.

    P.S. When Michael lost his girl friend he was not able to release his feelings so when the guards took his girl friend he was not happy and the FALLEN ANGLE arived...

    With great power, Including a blade that shoots out the top of his arm like a spear, but all flesh and bone, a move is when he uses the spear to (like scorpion from Mortal Combat) bring the enemy over to him and just pull out his arm smoothly and just have the enemy basically be thrown at his arm with great force!

    Like i said i want to be there when the game is in the making i would love some help with creating this game (I do not know allot about creating games but i am a good idea maker and i know a little bit about C++ JAVA HTML PEARL so on.)

  • No... you're awesome

  • Ahg, stop it you guys .

  • But... Google is all powerful...

    My faith is shaken.

  • Woah, that hose is awesome

    How the hell did you even do that? Oh:

    X: (((Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t'))))* ('t')))+((((Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t')))+(((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)+((Sprite.ImagePointX(4)-Sprite.ImagePointX(5))* ('t')))-(Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t'))))* ('t')))-((Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.x+((Sprite.ImagePointX(5)-Sprite14.x)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.x+((Sprite14.x-Sprite15.x)* ('t'))))* ('t'))))* ('t')))
    Y: (((Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t'))))* ('t')))+((((Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t')))+(((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)+((Sprite.ImagePointY(4)-Sprite.ImagePointY(5))* ('t')))-(Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t'))))* ('t')))-((Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t')))+(((Sprite14.y+((Sprite.ImagePointY(5)-Sprite14.y)* ('t')))-(Sprite15.y+((Sprite14.y-Sprite15.y)* ('t'))))* ('t'))))* ('t')))
    Angle: angle( lerp(lerp(Sprite15.x, Sprite14.x, 't'),lerp(Sprite14.x, Sprite.ImagePointx(5),'t'),'t') , lerp(lerp(Sprite15.y, Sprite14.y, 't'),lerp(Sprite14.y, Sprite.ImagePointy(5),'t'),'t') ,   lerp(lerp(Sprite14.x, Sprite.ImagePointx(5), 't'),lerp(Sprite.ImagePointx(5), Sprite.ImagePointX(4),'t'),'t') , lerp(lerp(Sprite14.y, Sprite.ImagePointy(5), 't'),lerp(Sprite.ImagePointy(5), Sprite.ImagePointy(4),'t'),'t') )[/code:1zll5md5]

    Ughhhhhh my poor brain. It shuts down just from looking at that code.

    And "lerp" is the sound my guts make when I think about trying something like that myself.

  • You scoundrel! How dare you?!?

  • [quote:2wofbzkm]I've said enough about Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, and oh yeah, I also talked about Ukraine.. Now let's talk about their government... the Americans.

    [quote:2wofbzkm]In America's sports up till nowadays black people are the best runners, and white - the best shooters.

    So... he half-assedly supports the Russian invasion of Georgia and he's a racist. Wonderful. What's this vote for again?

  • and no i will not put little detectors everywhere, that be pretty annoying lol

    Tell me about it

    But really, I think that would be the only way, at least in Construct. I've seen it in other stuff though, like

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    , where blood decals position themselves on sprites in the correct spot where bullets overlap and whatever. But that's a totally custom engine built from scratch, and the bullets are likely just 1x1 hitboxes or even vector lines that intersect a polygon face or something. I'm not sure exactly how it works.

  • Finding the average of where the pixels overlap might be good in some situations, but would yield strange results in others. For instance:

    <img src="">

    Here the collision would register in empty space as the average of the two actual collision points. It would be very difficult I think to develop a system where Construct could accurately decide where to register the collision in a way that makes sense to the user, and even more difficult to make it so both areas that are overlapping register separate collisions.

    As a workaround you set up image points around your object in certain key areas and test for "sprite1 collides with point (sprite2(imagepointx, imagepointy)) ." That might do the trick, depending on how many image points you set up.

  • i'm trying to make a circular energy bar right now in a similar vein and need to erase the bar in a circular manner, it overlays on top of the game on the HUD, I was wondering if any of these functions mentioned would be applicable?

    You could make a half-circle with the erase effect, then place it's hotspot in the center of the flat side, like so:

    <img src="">

    Then when health is depleted, rotate the half-circle.

    To make a full circle, create the second half of the health bar and the second half of the eraser on a separate layer.

    I can't think of any efficient way to keep the circle in one piece and still use the erase method. But you could do it without the erase method by animating a bunch of separate sprite frames for the circle itself, even though that might be a bit tedious. Though in the long run it might actually be the best way. You could have the same number of frames as you do units of health, so it would just be a matter of setting the animation to frame ( or whatever. Longer to set up, but way easier to code for.

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  • What the hell am I voting for? For all I know it's on how many babies to feed to this guy:

    <img src="">

    I don't want him to eat any babies

  • No, but I did try registering Google [Bot] just to see if I could (you can't )

    I'm guessing this is Sol?

  • The interest in these things is enormous. Every site I go to people are slavering over them. I hear the devkits for the Pandora have sold out completely already.

  • Hey, wait a minute... you're not Google [Bot], you're Google[Bot]! Where's the space in your name? Impostor!

    Everyone look out, this isn't the real Google [Bot], if he tries to give you search results they'll probably be wrong! Then instead of looking up recipes for lemon cake you will get lemonparty instead! And instead of clicking on youtube videos of fainting goats, rather you will faint when you see *******

    It's a trick!!!

  •'s a spider from the google search engine. phpbb3 recognizes it and makes it look like a user... for no other reason other than letting you know google is checking out the page for their search engine results. it's all automated.

    That's no excuse! Google [Bot] could at least hang out for a minute and chat or something. There's some cool demos to play and maybe he (she? ) could even make a game!

    Come on, Google [Bot], what do you say? If you **** at Construct we could help you out. We're all pretty friendly here and it's fun to make games.