deadeye's Forum Posts

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    I'm playing Saint's Row 2 for the first time. It's really funny how it so shamelessly rips off the GTA series. I don't really mind though because I liked the GTA games and it's sort of like I'm playing some chapter of GTA that I missed, only for some reason this one features a fat asian goth/punk chick as the main character.

    The controls are pretty sucky compared to the GTA games though (especially the driving), but maybe that's just because I'm using my Logitech controller with a 360 controller emulator. Still better than mouse and keyboard though.

    Also the world design is kind of odd. I've gained a new appreciation for how well the cities are designed in the GTA games.

  • Thanks . It took me a few hours to do that, but it would have taken me like 20 minutes if I knew what I was doing.

    As for code, Unity uses C# or javascript. Or Boo, if you want to use Boo I guess.

  • Hey, the engine is looking pretty good .

    Since that PM you sent me a while ago indicated that you were interested in Unity, I whipped up a little isometric demo. You can play it here (requires Unity web player plugin):

    Move with arrows, jump with X.

    It might take a second to load. Anyway, the movement is a little weird, but that's because I don't really know how to code that well so I just threw a pre-made move-and-jump script that I found onto the player cube.

  • Seems to me that a general XML plugin would be all that's needed to use this with Construct. Perhaps some pioneering coder could take the existing INI plugin and rework it so that it reads XML...? Would that be possible?

  • This seems rather unfair.Aka favoritism.What about the people who made Plugins and Tutorials?

    What about them? I've made tutorials, examples, written wiki articles, spent countless hours helping people in Help/Tech solve problems, moderated the forum to keep it clear of spam and ******* contests, and did beta testing and bug reporting for the better part of three years.

    As a volunteer.

    I did it on my time, for my own reasons, because I wanted to give back something to the community that made Construct what it was. Not because I was expecting something in return.

    I've seen a lot of this sort of attitude on the forum lately and frankly I'm a little concerned. Try losing that misplaced sense of entitlement and rekindle your community spirit. If you're not here because you enjoy being here and you support Construct then what's the point?

    And no, this isn't aimed solely at you Draven, I've seen it happening a lot around here lately.

  • They didn't buy anything. They donated. The donation was presumably because they appreciated the work that went into Construct.

    You don't receive anything from donations... that's the point of donations. You give without expectation of getting something in return, besides the warm, fuzzy feeling of helping someone out.

    So I'd change the "It's only right" to "It would be nice"

  • A good deal of those were the silent spammer types, the kind that just sit there with links in their profiles. I guess the people that made those bots don't realize that search engine spiders can't crawl phpBB profiles. Well, at least this board has it set up that way.

  • Seriously? Nothing?

    Your .cap requires MagiCam and some plugin called rawmousemove.csx that I've never heard of so people probably can't run it.

    But even if they could, asking for help with a 3D engine on a forum full of non-coding 2D game designers is a needle in a haystack sort of thing.

  • A low-poly bee (animated):

    It's for an iPhone game I'm working on in Unity. Here's a shot of the rigging if anyone is interested:

  • --------------------------

    TL;DR Version:

    Here are lessons 1 - 5 of the new tutorials:

    Here are lessons 1 - 9 of the old outdated tutorials:

    I will not be working on these any more, but I invite anyone who would like to continue the series to feel free. You may use my Platform School sprites and tiles, for tutorial purposes only, either new Platform School tutorials, or other tutorials as you see fit.


    The long version:

    It became apparent to me some time ago that I would never finish the Platform School tutorials. I started the project (over two years ago!) with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Then the rewrites came. As Construct continued updating with new features, my tutorials would suddenly become obsolete. So I would rewrite the tutorials to show the new changes, and then Construct would make more changes, requiring more rewrites, and so on. I believe I have re-written them three times total.

    That was enough to sap my enthusiasm for the project, but I tried to keep at it. A lot of people were waiting on them and I didn't want to let folks down. I was actively working on them as recently as January 12th, but I hit a snag. The Lesson 6 file I am referring to in that post had somehow apparently become corrupt. Copy/pasting water sprites would cause other objects in the level editor window to disappear. As near as I can tell this corruption happened some time previous in an earlier lesson and simply didn't become an issue until lesson 6, because I tried remaking lesson 6 from a new copy of lesson 5 and ran into the same copy/paste problem as before.

    And... that was that. The final straw. To continue making the tutorials I would have to create lesson 6 from scratch with a fresh .cap, re-importing all the assets and rewriting all the events, and that's something I just will not do again. I don't have the time or energy, and if we're being perfectly honest I just plain can't stand the thought of working on Platform School any more.

    But I've had five finished lessons just sitting around gathering dust for a while now. So, for what it's worth, here they are:

    I'm providing these as-is. If there are any errors or bugs or whatever, so be it! If you have questions, they will likely go unanswered! I wash my hands of Platform School.

    And with that, I'm offering an open invitation to anyone who is willing to continue working on the tutorials. I give you all permission to use the sprites and tiles and code I've made for PS so far and continue the lessons from here, or to use the sprites and tiles in other tutorial projects (but tutorials only please! I don't want to see Charlie running around in your game, okay? Okay.)

    Oh, and in case you're wondering where the buggy Lesson 6 went... well, so am I actually. I have a million backups of the old lessons, and a half-million of the new lessons 1-5, but for some odd reason 6 is just gone. I thought I had it backed up when I reinstalled Win7 a couple weeks ago, but I can't find it anywhere now.

    I got as far as lesson 9 (of 12 or 13) in the old tutorials. If you want to use them as reference, or you need to rip sprites out of them or something, then here they are:

    And to those of you who were waiting so patiently for me to finish these up, I apologize. I know I've made all sorts of promises to continue working on them no matter what, but I just really can't any more. Hopefully someone will pick up the reigns from here and make something cool out of this mess.

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  • So what you are saying is that Construct could be competitor for the Unity addon?

    No, that's not really what I'm saying.

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  • This forum moves so quickly I can't keep up . I feel like I'm being left behind...