Darklinki's Forum Posts

  • Which customers do you try to target ? High End Smartphone Users(Xperia Z, Galaxy S3-S4, Htc One) or also the old ones ? Do you target only Phones or also tablets ?

    For the older ones you should try to stay under 50 mb. But dont trust C2 with the memory use ;) If you exportet you application check it with Eclipse Memory analyzer, it is mostly much lower than c2 told you ;)

  • You make an ajax Request which contains the url of the image and than you say Sprite Load Image from Url ("Ajax.X").

    Do you know the Hash Plugin ? It will help you much to work with Ajax data ;)

    For videos I cant help you, I never made something with that.. But I think it would be possible with an iFrame.

  • Is there any solution to check if the user tries to close the browser/tab ? Or is there a plugin for that ?

    Already searched but found nothing.

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  • So you give the player a instance variable like Hover 0=1 not 1= yes

    And in your move events you aks if he hover.


    On Key w


    Sprite.Hover != 0

    ->do it.

    if you just added the movement behaivor you do:

    ->Every tick

    --> if hoover = 1

    ---> disable movement

    --> else

    ---> enable movement

  • I'm glad I could help and nice that you posted your solution.

  • You need to pick the right instance before. Something like:

    -> Every tick

    --> Any pick action like Sprite.InstanceVariable = rand(X)

    ---> Set speed random(x)

  • Do you just want to get if the player clicked on the left or the right side ? Or what do you try to do with the touch.Id

  • You got a browser that supports html 5?

    If you see the buttons you call "scrollbar", I think yes.

    And yes the Textboxes should only accept numbers, telephon also "+".

    Here is a reference, scroll down until you find number and tlephone to see what they are doing. LINK

    If you dont like the arrows use the "set custum css" action in Construct 2 to change this ;) Informations about that

  • And where is the problem ? You just told us what you have done :D

    But here: Instance Variable should be better than a global variable. Make it on the player.

  • I tried to make it as easy as possible :D Sry, but i�m glaad that I could help you a bit.

  • Yes Linux version would be amazing to work also

    I know it works "ok" with wine but it�s just not the same and things like preview make big problems.

  • Ashley: "The problem here is your server. You need a better one!"

    Funny, this are just to many...It?s ok for small projects but not for big ones that ends up with something like 1000 sprites. This means 1000 request per user, with 100 000 (which is totally possible) users per day this are 100 000 000 request ! You know how expensive Server are ? I dont mean everything should be on 1 image but I and our money would like to have the possibility to create animations out of 120 different sprites (z.B for items in a shop) on 1 Image. This would make it much better for the Player and us.

    But if this is not possible for the game engine it?s ok then I need to find a different way to do that.

  • TotalCommander, but I think there are much easier one out of there just google it.

  • There is also a cool programm out there, that automaticly synchronize you export folder with a ftp Server. Works also very fine ;)

  • We had this problem after upgrading to r124 or r123 not sure, we fixxed it with:

    -> Save as Project

    -> Open the saved Project and save it again in a different folder

    -> Open it there and it should work ;)