DaniellMesquito's Forum Posts

  • Out of SQL free space or time needed to making an better inteligent system to fight against spam, Tom? Is expected for now when the function going available again?

  • How do i get a thing seamless that touched_object.instancevariable and the touched_object.name? This is fundamental in Construct 2 and i can't find this. I'ts a missing feature or i don't encountered this? Thanks in advance!

  • When i click "Write your tutorial", my browser redirects to tutorials page. Not sufficient reputation is the answer? Thanks in advance.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I've updated my avatar in Gravatar site, but my avatar still the same on Scirra. Whats the problem?

  • The best and fast solution is:

    1- Run regedit.exe;

    2- Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software;

    3 - Delete "Scirra" folder;

    4 - Enjoy your fixed and nice working Construct 2!

    Note: Do this in each user that you need.

  • Compilation of suggestions for an amazing Construct 3!

    • @DaniellMesquita: Support for making 3D games alone/togheter 2D graphics;
    • @DaniellMesquita: A bit of each good feature of Unity/Unreal Engine;
    • @DaniellMesquita: NFC, Bluetooth, Live Xbox, Clock, and Language default plugins;
    • @DaniellMesquita: Version for Tizen OS/Firefox Marketplace/Cross-Browser (Construct maded in HTML5, really showing the POWER OF HTML5!);
    • @DaniellMesquita: Can edit elements textbox/text/slider-bar/progress-bar with CSS;
    • @DaniellMesquita: Can add newline in texts by default (without using event editor);
    • @DaniellMesquita: Can do HTML attributes for individual parts of text (eg. apply color for two words);
    • @DaniellMesquita: Can set webfont/localfont(from project files) directly from C3's text editor;
    • @DaniellMesquita: Can do snapshot of layer or an object only, an selecting the position and size (X,Y) of snapshot (like Lightshot);
    • @DaniellMesquita: "Go to last layout" system action;
    • @DaniellMesquita: Can record video from game/webcam;
    • @DaniellMesquita: Unique code language for event sheet. People will can copy this code from Forum, paste in C3's event sheet and see the magic; Interface
    • @DaniellMesquita: Added Office 2016 theme;
    • @DaniellMesquita: In Office themes, bottom status bar and "file" button with "rgb(6,195,171)" background instead of MS Word's blue background;
    • @DaniellMesquita: Office 2003 theme as default in Windows XP, Office 2007 in Windows Vista, Office 2010 in Windows 7, Office 2013 in Windows 8/8.1, and Office 2016 in Windows 10;

    Ashley , Tom and Kyatric . Do you appreciate the user's suggestions applyed in Construct software? Please, see this above.

    Note: I will constantly update this topic, adding new suggestions from me and from other people (with credits).

  • How do I make an action to detect if the capslock key is activated or no? Thanks in advance.

  • You also can store something like this:

    {"name":"de","type":"JLoc","langs":["de-DE","en-GB"],"groups":{"MainMenue":["Home","Registration","LostPassword","MailVerification"],"Login":["LoginName","Password","LoginBTN","BackBTN"],"Registration":["LoginName","Password","Password2","Email","Email2","RegistrationBTN","BackBTN"],"Recover":["Email","SendBTN","BackBTN","CodeBTN","Code","Password"],"MailVerification":["Code","SendBTN","BackBTN","CodeBTN"],"ReMailCode":["SendBTN","BackBTN","Email"],"Charselect":["LoginBTN","CreateBTN","DeleteBTN","LogoutBTN"],"Charcreate":["Name","Order","HairColor","Gender","CreateBTN","BackBTN"],"MainInfo":["Titel"],"Base":["BackBTN","SendBTN"]},"data":{"de-DE":{"MainMenue":{"Home":"Login","Registration":"Registrieren","LostPassword":"Passwort vergessen","MailVerification":"Mail Verifizierung"},"Login":{"LoginName":"Login Name","Password":"Passwort","LoginBTN":"Login","BackBTN":"Zurück"},"Registration":{"LoginName":"Benutzername","Password":"Passwort","Password2":"Passwort Wiederholung","Email":"Email","Email2":"Email Wiederholung","RegistrationBTN":"Registrieren","BackBTN":"Zurück"},"Recover":{"Email":"Email:","SendBTN":"Senden","BackBTN":"Zurück","CodeBTN":"Zur Code Eingabe","Code":"Code:","Password":"Passwort:"},"MailVerification":{"Code":"Code:","SendBTN":"Senden","BackBTN":"Zurück","CodeBTN":"Code Anfordern"},"ReMailCode":{"SendBTN":"Senden","BackBTN":"Zurück","Email":"Email:"},"Charselect":{"LoginBTN":"Login","CreateBTN":"Character erstellen","DeleteBTN":"Character löschen","LogoutBTN":"Ausloggen"},"Charcreate":{"Name":"Vor und Zuname","Order":"Orden","HairColor":"Haarfarbe","Gender":"Geschlecht","CreateBTN":"Erstellen","BackBTN":"Zurück"},"MainInfo":{"Titel":"Information"},"Base":{"BackBTN":"Zurück","SendBTN":"Senden"}},"en-GB":{"MainMenue":{"Home":"Login","Registration":"Registration","LostPassword":"Lost Password","MailVerification":"Mail Verification"},"Login":{"LoginName":"Login Name","Password":"Password","LoginBTN":"Login","BackBTN":"Back"},"Registration":{"LoginName":"User Name","Password":"Password","Password2":"Repeat Password","Email":"Email","Email2":"Repeat Email","RegistrationBTN":"Register","BackBTN":"Back"},"Recover":{"Email":"Email:","SendBTN":"Send","BackBTN":"Back","CodeBTN":"Enter Code","Code":"Code:","Password":"Password:"},"MailVerification":{"Code":"Code:","SendBTN":"Send","BackBTN":"Back","CodeBTN":"Get Code"},"ReMailCode":{"SendBTN":"Send","BackBTN":"Back","Email":"Email:"},"Charselect":{"LoginBTN":"Login","CreateBTN":"Create","DeleteBTN":"Delte Character","LogoutBTN":"Logout"},"Charcreate":{"Name":"First and Lastname","Order":"Order","HairColor":"Hair Color","Gender":"Gender","CreateBTN":"Create","BackBTN":"Back"},"MainInfo":{"Titel":"Information"},"Base":{"BackBTN":"Back","SendBTN":"Send"}}}}[/code:1mmz2ghl]
    This really a lot!  
    Json is best  

    Other good tip! Thanks for helping those people, deathangel1479

  • You've helped me to return my old user in Windows. Thanks!

  • WOW! I'm sorry. Now i can continue my work, thank you very much, again!

  • I can't understand these simbols you've choosen.

  • Set:

    Save every x seconds, x to Storage totalTime.

    Edit: Save every x seconds, totalTime + x to Storage totalTime. (missed)


    hours <- int( totalTime / 3600 )

    minutes <- int( ( totalTime % 3600 ) / 60 )

    seconds <- int( totalTime % 3600 % 60 )

    Primitive but effective.

    No need, not for that.

    Sorry, but i can't understand your code language. In details, which conditions and actions and his values i'll need do?

  • No need, not for that.

    Sorry, but i can't understand your code language. In details, which conditions and actions and his values i'll need do?

  • "Messages"? Do you want mean "Posts"? To prompt posts in Facebook, as best way you'll need the App ID and App Secret. The best way is using the Facebook API to prompt post with a link you've choosen.

  • All data of app, including my preferences and changes in app. Simple.