DaniellMesquito's Forum Posts

  • I need in this hipotetic HTML box remove/add elements.

    Someone know a plugin for achieve a HTML Box that I can manipulate DOM?

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  • When I tried to recreate this I didn't need a For Each loop, each instance would enable/disable its behavior based on its individual variable. Most likely some other event is interfering and setting all of the objects variable to the same thing.

    In my experiment all I did was have 3 different objects, A, X, Y, where A had drag and drop behavior and X and Y had sine behavior to make them move.

    If A collides with X -> Set variable to "no"

    If A collides with Y -> Set variable to "yes"

    If variable = "no" -> Disabled drag and drop

    If variable = "yes" -> Enable drag and drop

    This worked as expected with multiple instances of A, so the issue seems to be someplace else.

    Please attach the .capx file.

  • I'm asking about a condition.

  • How do I create a good/basic license for my game?

    "as is" license is the better?

    Thanks in advance!

  • I want create a HTML box with web content (in-box tags). Its for a menu with elements (food of Freezer for a pet simulator). How can I put a HTML box and manipulate its contents?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Example: a condition | other condition:after 40 seconds > do action.

    How can I achieve it?

    Thanks in advance!

  • SoldjahBoy

    You need a "For each" loop in your conditions, otherwise if just one object meets the conditions, it will apply to all object instances (because you haven't told it to check each one individually).

    [For each sprite.object]


    --- Do stuff


    --- Do nothing


    It isn't working. I tried using car behavior instead of dragndrop, and continues conflicting.

  • Of the main project I can't, but I will send of the separated project.

  • Ashley, I think here its a problem with behaviors.

  • Good idea, but I've tried in a separate-new project, with two instances with different variables, but the behaviors continue working for all instances.

  • Well, you should be able to pick objects by variable value with no problem, something like,

    Object Variable = 0 --> do X

    Object Variable = 1 --> do Y

    Only objects whose variable equals 0 will do X and those with 1 will do Y, so I'm not sure I understand the problem correctly?

    I use text in variables instead of numbers.

    This is my sheet:

    The drag and drop behavior isn't working for all instances. I don't know what is the conflict.

  • When I click to translate tutorial, choose the language and click in Next button, then the website redirects to https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/top


  • mpatekar if you want publish the game for Android, you need put all audio in "Music" folder.

  • ondraayyy for mobile games or a game directed for a emergent country - if you want implement BTC like technology - download the blockchain isn't good for users. Then, you can implement a Electrum "wallet"/server like system.

  • ondraayyy if you're with Chuck Norris in mind and want made a ******** system, you can use the blockchain/sidechain technologies. IBM have a repo in GitHub with the blockchain technology in Javascript if you want implement it. I say the same for all that want do a top-level security for a game/app. Oh, Ethereum cryptocurrency have a Apps API.

    newt a pessoal question (adfly in my signature) is your argument? Why be inflamed because I've contraried you about Illuminatis? You think beautifull share a SantaClaus-like conspiration theory? You think beautifull mention Tom in a topic that don't have relation with they? You're being kid and forcing the things. I suggest you a psichanalist. If you want boicot me, contact Tom directly (wich is less inpolite than force mention), like you does in this topic: http://web.archive.org/web/201607281932 ... p?t=179787

    "Says the guy with adfly links in his signature"

    Here's your post that I'm replying: http://web.archive.org/web/201607282001 ... &p=1057509

    Your "argument" can't invalidate what I've spell. If the inexistence of Illuminatis make you angry, we can't do anything.

    Here is not a topic for pessoal discussions, but you've started it. And I want this offtopic ends here.