damainman69's Forum Posts

  • Hey all!

    Just getting started with Construct Classic. Thought I'd get my feet wet by rebuilding the first levels of one of my favorite arcade game from the ground up. So far I haven't had any issues aside of the climbing animation being frozen. Occasionally the player sprite gets caught in the side of a solid tile while jumping... thats about it. I'll eventually handle the jumping to column detection differently but I did this all last night :) It's quick and dirty.

    Again this is for learning purposes only - I have no intention of rebuilding a game thats a) copyrighted and b) emulated across the board.

    Most of the links to tutorial files are broken when I've gone hunting unfortunately. I've found similar topics and they weren't quite the same issue I'm having. Any help is greatly appricitated!

    Here be me cap file :)


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