daleinen's Forum Posts

  • I was about to start deleting extraneous files from my broken project to track why C3 crashes when I try to open up one particular layout, but it said I am back to the free version.

    I'd really like to avoid paying for a subscription just to spend time figuring out a bug, then submitting the bug and waiting for it to get addressed. I just kind of assumed the beta version would be free until the actual release.

    Or is there some other problem on my end?

  • I would definitely be interested.

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  • Using the new data editor for arrays I always had in my head that X was the row and Y the column. And that's how it shows up in the Debugger.

    But it seems that the X is left to right and the Y is up and down in the new editor. I guess it's not a huge deal, it just seems like it should be the other way around. I can't remember how the C2 data editor worked. Maybe it worked the same way and I just made some hack so that it would make sense in my head.

  • Great! I appreciate the help.

  • Interesting. I've never used the timer behavior before. Specifically what I'm doing is;

    When the player hits spacebar, the hero sprite will fire projectiles. The number of projectiles, how much damage they do, the angle they travel, etc., is all pulled from a database.

    I'm trying to get the projectiles to be able to leave at slightly different times (if there is more than one projectile being fired) so they are clustered differently. I suppose I'd put the "timer" behavior on the "keyboard" and on space bar trigger the loop regularly from that?

    I'll give it a try. Thank you!

  • I understand to get an event to trigger in a for loop with "wait" you have to multiply the time between each event by the loop index so;


    forLoop 1-4 -> wait loopindex * 1

    And it does trigger once every second for four seconds. But the problem is that "loopindex" is coming up as -1 instead of the actual loop index. And that is causing me problems. Does anyone know a way around this?

    Here is a link to display what I am running into.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/820 ... est.caproj

    Many thanks!

  • Perfect! Thank you.

  • I'm trying to access a nested array with data injected from the C2 Data Editor for a Dialog system. Without getting too deep, basically in the parent array, each row is a characters dialog. Each column is separate situation for that character (the first time you meet them, when they give you a quest, when you complete a quest, etc). And within each cell is a nested array that includes the conversation split up into columns for each paragraph of text, and rows to alternate who is talking(odd rows are the NPC, even rows, the player).

    It's easy enough to build the structure in the editor but once it's in the game I can't figure out how to access it. Something like if I wanted to access the seventh column in the second row of the first row, third column's nested array;

    On 'space' key pressed -> Set Dialog_Text to 'Dialog_array.At( 1, 3 [ nested_array.At(7,2) ])'

    But I'd have no idea what the syntax would be. Any help would be appreciated or if there is simply a better way to accomplish this. I could possibly just skip the nested 2-d arrays and make a simpler 3-d array but I think nested arrays would open up potential for conditional responses and other more complex functionality.

  • Thanks. Appreciate the quick response!

  • Having a hard time interacting with the data once it's been injected into the Construct project. At start of Layout I call the "CreateTestDB" function. The debugger says there are two arrays. An empty one and the one that has data that was created with the function call, but I can't interact with it.

    I have a text object that every tick is displaying TestDB.At(0,0) and it always reads 0. I assume because it's reading the first array that is also called TestDB, but is empty.

    And I included the Data event sheet with the search functions but those aren't working either. I wasn't completely clear from the manual but I assume all the results of a function call end up in the ResultSet array? But that stays empty the whole time.

    The function call I am testing looks like this; "SearchColumnFindAllLike"(TestDB.UID, "ColumnName","String I am searching for")

    Any help or direction anyone has would be appreciated. There is nothing about this program anywhere except here and the shop page. Otherwise it seems like it's going to be a huge time saver once I get it working. Thanks!



    The main problem I had was I was using a string as the second parameter. It needed to be 'ArrayName.ColumnName'. I also Destroy the Array before Creating a new one so that there is only one. I don't know that this is vital or not, but it seems a bit cleaner.