dahu's Forum Posts

  • Hi every body and Pode

    i would like to have a solution to detect if an url insert in an "html_iframe_Pode" is valid or not.

    a smal capx to see....


    an idea???

  • ok

  • Thank's !

    so if find return is différent to -1, my word exist in the text !

  • Hi,

    i would like to know how to test if a word is in a text.

    i try with "find", but the result is curious. 0 ? -1 ?

    an help?

  • Pode


    i would like to test if an url input in an HTML_iframe is wrong or not.

    Some url i use change a little abour a value ( the time it is build) in the site from which i get it.

    example: "https://www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/pub/media/store/documentstime/file/2017-09-08_1500-1815.pdf#toolbar=0&navpanes=0&scrollbar=1"

    1815 is wrong it have to be automaticaly change to 1816

    is it possible?

    how to set the innerHTML in a text to test it?

  • Hi, and if you want to draw curves lines with the feft clic :

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/cmvt757hgw0fa ... .capx?dl=0

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  • sory, i found: just replace mouse.x and mouse.y by sprite3.x and sprite3.y


    i have now to automaticaly replace sprite2 by the magnify of sprite, whe i change the sprite

  • 99Instances2Go

    Hi !

    And ih i want a magnify glass fixed in the corner of the sprite ?

  • Hello to all,

    I try to create a small frame in a corner of an image, a small frame which would show a zoom of the place where is the mouse cursor on this image, without having to click.

    Would you know how to do it?

    Thank you

  • Pinco

    Hi! i usualy use AdvancedTextBox, because of the number of paramters.

    But one miss me: vertical align !

    I build Array on screen whith a few box, and to align verticaly the content of each box would be estheticaly very nice !

    Is it possible to add this?

    I have looked at the js files of "text" plugin, and i saw it is not very simple...



  • septeven

    I have read all this discussion, but with my bad english, it is difficult.

    I have not found the solution of my question:

    I ahve built an appli in wich the users must save the an array in webstorage, in the cache of the computer (ipad).

    And i want create a external save to dropbox with your plugin.

    But my users have usually no experience to use API key.

    Is it possible for theim to connect with their Username and Password (of their personal DropBox)? It would be nice and simple !


  • septeven

    Hi !

    i have a bug when i want to change text of line with "for from to " event, with loopindex as iid of the line.

    it would be nice to be abble to change the text line with an action "set text" !

    What you think?

  • Thank you for your anwser,

    but i don't understand

    if i delete all lines with Wait event it run...

    Could you have any time to give me a correct version of this capx?


    capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ljufpgzf4bmnew4/wait%20event%20-%20perso.capx?dl=0

  • rexrainbow


    i try to use Wait Event with an event where i create clones of an object:

    On start... For "create"= 1 to 10 / Action: Create Object Sprite ... WaitEvent WaitEvent str(Sprite.UID) with tag "create"

    On Sprite created / Action: WaitEVent Event str(Sprite.UID) with tag "create" has finished

    WaitEvent when all event with tag "create" has finished... For each Sprite / Action: move to ....

    Why don't it run?

  • Rex

    thank's for the moment for your reply
