Thanks for the reply
C-7 . Yeah I had seen your Courier game a week or so ago. Very good concept and game you have going with it. Interesting puzzles and challenges throughout delivering the mail for the character. I'll check out the Z-Sorter plugin as well. rexrainbow seems to be the one to go to for plugins lol.
Inventory+Banking system is one of the next ones I'll be working on for mine. Still working on the combat system atm since have different styles of attacks that people can do. I know some people in the "what do you hate" thread have said they don't like QTE, some say they don't mind it as long as it's not unnecessary/a ton of them. I was planning for combat that a QTE pops onto the screen when the player activates their special. If they do the QTE correctly the attack does it's full damage, if they fail then it does a reduced amount. But I won't have the QTE Random rather similar to that of Sabin from FF6's Blitz. Where each one is set so you will know the way to do it, but have multiple ones that people can either unlock or acquire.
Yeah the speech boxes are one of the things that are sometimes hard to pull off in the exact style that you want. Especially while playing a game I normally set the text speed to the highest just because otherwise you're playing the waiting game waiting on the next part of the text for the story to appear. Voice acting for them could be interesting, but the usage of processes and loading if the game is web-based could be an issue though. Considering with my Mario Pacman game I had made for a friend I left out some of the m4a music files from it for anything other than an sfx, because the file size of the load was so large with m4a. With 2 bg-music m4a's the load changed from 3mb to 24mb.
Thanks for the information on tricks that have assisted you in your process of creating your game. Also non-standard things help a lot for development finding out a new trick to do something in a slightly different way with optimization.
Valerien thanks for the reply. That is good advice to make each system separate, something that some people might not think of for designing the event sheets. It's kinda what I was planning on doing is to make each of the side systems(Battle, Inventory, Crafting, etc) in it's own Event Sheet then use Include sheets to put them into the Main one that has some global parameters for the game perhaps. My current Main event sheet only has the Battle Include and re-activating the mouse from where my loading screen on start hides it. So haven't decided fully what all will need to be inside the Main event sheet other than the includes. Will probably see what needs to go there after I get all the subsystems in place.
I'll check out those two plugins you mentioned. LiteTween goes with something that C-7 had mentioned as well so might be one definitely to check out by people.