daehawk's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the reply C-7 . Yeah I had seen your Courier game a week or so ago. Very good concept and game you have going with it. Interesting puzzles and challenges throughout delivering the mail for the character. I'll check out the Z-Sorter plugin as well. rexrainbow seems to be the one to go to for plugins lol.

    Inventory+Banking system is one of the next ones I'll be working on for mine. Still working on the combat system atm since have different styles of attacks that people can do. I know some people in the "what do you hate" thread have said they don't like QTE, some say they don't mind it as long as it's not unnecessary/a ton of them. I was planning for combat that a QTE pops onto the screen when the player activates their special. If they do the QTE correctly the attack does it's full damage, if they fail then it does a reduced amount. But I won't have the QTE Random rather similar to that of Sabin from FF6's Blitz. Where each one is set so you will know the way to do it, but have multiple ones that people can either unlock or acquire.

    Yeah the speech boxes are one of the things that are sometimes hard to pull off in the exact style that you want. Especially while playing a game I normally set the text speed to the highest just because otherwise you're playing the waiting game waiting on the next part of the text for the story to appear. Voice acting for them could be interesting, but the usage of processes and loading if the game is web-based could be an issue though. Considering with my Mario Pacman game I had made for a friend I left out some of the m4a music files from it for anything other than an sfx, because the file size of the load was so large with m4a. With 2 bg-music m4a's the load changed from 3mb to 24mb.

    Thanks for the information on tricks that have assisted you in your process of creating your game. Also non-standard things help a lot for development finding out a new trick to do something in a slightly different way with optimization.


    Hey Valerien thanks for the reply. That is good advice to make each system separate, something that some people might not think of for designing the event sheets. It's kinda what I was planning on doing is to make each of the side systems(Battle, Inventory, Crafting, etc) in it's own Event Sheet then use Include sheets to put them into the Main one that has some global parameters for the game perhaps. My current Main event sheet only has the Battle Include and re-activating the mouse from where my loading screen on start hides it. So haven't decided fully what all will need to be inside the Main event sheet other than the includes. Will probably see what needs to go there after I get all the subsystems in place.

    I'll check out those two plugins you mentioned. LiteTween goes with something that C-7 had mentioned as well so might be one definitely to check out by people.

  • Doesn't seem like many want to discuss their processes of easing te making process of a JRPG or RPG with Construct 2.

    I started working on the battle system for mine. While there are a lot of discussion about people how they are liking the ARPG style more than turn-based(Zelda-style over FF-Style). Personally I like the FF-Style, but one ting I've done in my current battle system I'm coding for mine is made it toggle-able where players can choose to use ATB bars for their attacks while in battles or can have it Turn-Based through an options menu that they can change back and forth while not in combat to their desire.

    For Battle system for multi-controls(Gamepad+Touch+Mouse+Keyboard) functions seem to be nice to use for it. At the moment for my testing of the battle system I'm writing up events for I have a Player 1 fighting a Player 2 both controlled by me with different keyboard keys or clicking on the screen just to test out the damage based off of attack vs def with variance to make the values have a range. Attached is a SS of the multi-controls I've put into it to call for Player 1's attack function at the moment. Currently I have all the actions on a single sprite. The only way atm I've found of recognizing them since both are used on both sides P1 and P2 is by calling them by their UID's. If anyone knows a better method for that(yes I know could probably go with a separate sprite for every action and then call on just that sprite, but there could be a method with C2 I'm not thinking of).

  • Hello, currrently I am about to start working on a JRPG using Construct 2. And have noticed there are a lot of plugins for Construct 2.

    So was wondering for those of you that have worked on, working on, or finished an RPG-Style game with Construct 2. What type of plugins or methods of making some of the systems have made things easier or more comfortable for you?

    I've seen some mentions of using Arrays in Construct 2. Haven't used those in other things I've made on here, but have started to play around some with them testing things out.

    I've read that some people have been using the program Tiled for the maps. I also found a Plug-in for the XML/JSON files which Tiled can make which is a Plug-in by rexrainbow located here.

  • Found an interesting list of things.

    http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_931_ ... ame-logic/

    Granted some of the games the TMNT 13 wasn't that bad, yes challenging, but you could hit the seaweed multiple times iirc, just damages you some. Just gotta be careful.

  • what I hate: baddly designed savepoint with gameover:

    If a savepoint isn't giving you full life (can be justified sometimes), AND that being killed result in a return to title screen, the player can be trapped forever.

    Ooo that reminded me of another thing with save points.

    Final Dungeon: Save point at the start, get pretty cool items on the way through with no way of leaving final dungeon, no save point again till before the final boss. No New Game + or extra game play after final boss is defeated. Means that save is essentially grats you get to kill the final boss and see the ending as much as you want. But can't do anything else with it now.

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  • -Random encounters or any kind of situation that you can't avoid (unless it's scripted), random things happening in the game world is fun but make them have sense and not frustrate the player. An example is Final Fantasy games where I was always put off exploring the world it presented to me becasue i was afraid of taking a step into an unnecessary long button spamming battle with an enemy i can 1 shot kill. Pokemon does this right tough.

    This I kinda agree with and disagree at the same time. But I guess it depends on the mood I'm in for the game. Sometimes I do like to do some senseless grinding to get stronger for something or to look for a certain item in final fantasy. I do agree that there could be things that are done though for people that want to avoid it. Chocobos in Final Fantasy allowed for avoiding fights. Some games have an item you can purchase to temporally not do a fight. Or certain paths that don't spawn like in Pokemon you mentioned.

    I agree that QTEs can be a pain in games if not done right or like when an enemy has only one weak point on it's enormous body and is completely invulnerable everywhere else a la Achilles' heal and the enemy moves around a lot blocking it where you only have maybe a split second at a time per opening.

    I agree with Save Points as well not being very good, while I can see their point but at times you don't want to have to backtrack from 50 minutes of game play you just did, because the last save point you were around was eons ago.

    Can't really think of any non-mentioned things at the moment though.

  • The game you've made so far. Save it as Single-File and that will give you a capx. Then you can attach it here.

  • Are you mainly looking for a team or? If so might want to post it into the Team Requests page.

    One thing I've seen people tell others is start with Single-player games then work yourself into the MMO style. Making the single player ones will help you get a feel of the program, different tricks with it, and different ways to do certain things with it.

    Perhaps start with the basics of the game being a single player with the enemy being an AI. Then later swap that AI to a player or add in an opposing faction to the original player leaving the AI there as well. So then you have 1 NPC Faction and 2 Rival Player factions that could then all 3 fight each other in the end.

  • I like


  • Mario Pacman

    This is just a fun little game I made mainly for a friend, but have shared it with some others who might enjoy to play around with it. There's still a few more things I'll probably be adding to it later so posting it under Works in Progress and not Completed Games in the forums if people want to mess around with it any.


    It's a Pacman-Style game using Mario elements. Using the Cloning the Classics: PacMan as a base when started building originally.


    -Multiple characters

    -Play till Game Over

    Future Additions

    -Title Menu Music

    -More Stages

    -More Characters(Toad, Luigi, Yoshi, Wario, Bowser, Waluigi)

    -Unique Victory and Game Over Screens based on character

    Known Bugs

    -Sometimes after being killed with you under Star Powers effect upon heading back to enemy starting point will get stuck. They then become unstuck ext time you get a Star Power effect.

    Game link

    Mario Pacman on GoogleDrive

  • Open up Construct, then go to File -> New. Scroll to Demo Game: Space Blaster. Or can also try Template: Driving Game or Template: Vertical Shooter

    I believe this is the style you are looking for. Can play around with that tutorial example.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • The way I do it is on paper. Start with a small basic concept for it then slowly over time write some more ideas down that could go with it. Character set up. World setting. Type of world. Type of technology in the world. Religions in the world. How the world is ruled by it's leaderships. Resources available in the world. Just create an outline of things that your world could be. Then think of things that you would like the characters to do in that world.

  • Voted.

  • Hey, have coded web-based games for awhile. had downloaded construct 2 a while back. Have played around with it some when first downloaded. But then got distracted by other activities. Have been playing around with it a bit more recently. Been gaming online for over 18 years now, console gaming since was old enough to hold an atari controller.