Daedolon's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    I'm working on the Spooky Heroes project :


    I didn't pay too much attention to memory use since the game is aimed at PC and images are not that big.

    However, I reached a point where the game does not work anymore because of this and I can't figure out how to correct it. I posted in the bugs section and Ashley pointed out the problem came from the memory use :


    I searched for a solution but I'm lacking knowledge as to how C2 actually works with images and sprites.

    Let me explain :

    I wish to offer many kind of heroes as well as many kind of bosses to fight against. And the game is animated which means a lot of frames and sprites. I created all animations with Flash and exported them to PNG.

    When I check the folder size for the boss number 2 for example, all frames and animations included to this character, Windows indicate me a size of ~8Mo.

    When I import them in C2 and place the instance on a loader layout, the memory usage indicates 130Mo used !

    So I read articles and about the need for sprites to be a power of 2 (128x128) but even so, it seems a ridiculous amount of change between the 2 values !

    The boss 2 is ~200x520 in size which means if it becomes power of 2, it will use 1024x1024 in memory ? Is that correct ? Does it change the size for the whole animation ? the whole sprite ? if one frame change to 1100x1100 for any reasons, will it make 2048x2048 for the whole sprite or only this frame ? Or this power 2 rule only concerns tiled backgrounds ?

    When the games loads on launch, it can't loads everything because of t0o much memory use and display black squares instead of the actual sprites.

    For the moment a normal character on windows indicates a 2Mo size but in C2, it indicates 15Mo. I have 13 normal characters...

    Right now, the memory used on the preload page is 550Mo in total (with backgrounds and all)... Even if I optimize all of them, I will still need more of them and the size will still be a lot. I fear that I won't be able to implement everything I want for this game because the memory use on first laod will be too high.

    Could you give me more information about all this stuff because I'm guessing I'm mixing up things and it's quite confusing.

    How to make this work ?

    Thanks !

  • Finally uploaded, here is the link :


    I have not been able to check if the problem occurs on another computer, only have one.

    I just updated my graphics drivers and tried again but still, same problem.

    The preload layout contains all needed sprites.

    In the init sheet at the end, you can change the starting hero by changing "player1character" in the states dictionary.

    To reproduce the bug, open the mountain1 layout and load the game. Some sprites should not display properly.

    If you delete the elementalAir and the elementalWater from the project and change the player character to another existing, the problem does not occur.

    Also, since it's my first C2 project, there must be a lot of errors or optimization to do. Since the game runs quite well for the moment, just let me know if there are really huge mistakes in it.

    Thanks !

  • Hi all,

    First, I know there is a special procedure to report a bug however I already found the problem and can solve it. The problem is the solution prevents me from adding more sprites. Moreover, the capx is 60Mo and my connection is just crap and keeps failing the upload. I'll keep trying to upload it but meanwhile, I was hoping somebody might already have an answer to this.

    Let me explain the problem because it is quite simple.

    I'm working on the Spooky Heroes project :


    I have a lot of different characters (~20) with many animations (~20 per characters). I created a layout which is not used where I put all my sprites to be able to load them in the other stages layouts.

    The problem is that since I added the 2 latest characters sprites, some other sprites display a black box the size of the sprite instead of the sprite itself. Here is an example :

    <img src="http://www.spooky-heroes.com/images/bug1.png" border="0" />

    And here is the panel in the software :

    <img src="http://www.spooky-heroes.com/images/bug2.png" border="0" />

    As you can see, a torch should be displayed in place of the black box.

    My two latest characters are the elementalWater and elementalAir you can see in the second screen. When I delete them, the black box bug doesn't appear. Morever, I used a crystal ball Webgl effect on the characters before and the bug even happened to the UI (top left panel) displaying black box too. I removed the effect and there were less black boxes.

    There are only 3 lines of code related to those 2 new characters so I don't think this is a code problem.

    I'm guessing the bug comes from the way I use or call images. Is it ok to create a not used layout and just put everything there to be able to load them elsewhere ? I do that because players can choose heroes so I need all of them available, and some heroes are able to summon some other characters... I want to avoid copying all characters in all layouts each time since there will be a lot of stages (only 7 for the moment) Moreover each time I create a new hero or character, I'd need to add it to all layouts again...

    Once more, I'll try to upload the capx but if anybody could help without it, that's be very nice of them.

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Window 8

    Construct 2 version:


    Thanks !

  • Hey, thanks for the comment. I don't know what Spritely is (I'm guessing a tool to make the sprite sheet ? :p).

    For the sprite, I'm creating and animating everything myself with flash.

    For the spell check, you're right, I'll do a double check, I just recently realized the mistake for "ennemy", I always wrote it with double N (because in French, it is double N ahah) :x Correcting that in next version !

  • Hi all !

    It took me more time than expected but here is the new version.

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/screen18x680.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/screen17x680.png" border="0" />

    Download : store.steampowered.com/app/486500/Spooky_Heroes

    What's new ?

    Content :

    • 3 new stages
      • River
      • Mountain
      • Mountain Village
    • 4 new ennemies
      • Water elemental
      • Plant spitter
      • Plant spreader
      • Orc
    • 1 new boss
      • Plant Queen
    • 1 new building
      • The bank
    • 1 new quest
    • 2 new mechanisms
      • Underwater
      • Bumpshrooms
    • 1 vehicle
      • The boat


    • Food can be carried and used later as a normal item
    • Red potion removed
    • Optimized monsters spawn
    • Doubled heroes max life
    • More stuff I can't recall at all !

    I'm currently looking for beta tester to try the game and point out any bug encountered.

    Besides this, there are also answers I would need :

    • How long did you need to finish this version (when reaching the 2 village) ?
    • How about the difficulty ? Is it too hard or too easy ?
    • What do you think of the current boss ?
    • Who's your favorite hero so far and why ?

    If some people would be so kind as to answer those, it would help me greatly to improve the game.

    Important notice : I know stages lack a lot in content and decor, they will be added later on. Bosses design will also be reworked later on.

    I'm currently working on the next champion, the summoner as well as its own quest.

    More information later in the week !

  • Hi all !

    Some news about the game (http://spooky-heroes.com/weekly-news/):

    • Water elemental in sight as well as the underwater timer. Find air pockets before drowning!

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/screen16-680.jpg" border="0" />

    • If you're not a good swimmer, use the boat. But beware goblins ambush and barricades ! Blast through them with your canon !

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/screen15-680.jpg" border="0" />

    • And here is a quick glance at the first mountain stage

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/screen14-680.jpg" border="0" />

    Next public version should be available by the end of the week.

    Stay tuned !

  • Hey all !

    Some news about the game !

    • New vehicle : the boat

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/screen11-300x224.jpg" border="0" />

    • First underwater stage : the river

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/screen12-300x224.jpg" border="0" />

    • New building : the bank
    • New stuff : torches with saved state

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/screen13-300x224.jpg" border="0" />

    More explanations on the website !


  • Version 0.2 out !

    What's new ?

    Graphics :

        Improved graphics

        Parallax effect added to background

    Gameplay :

        Added charged attack

        Added 3rd hit combo

        Added finisher move when ennemies are knocked down

    Misc :

        Added customizable keyboard

        Added message to enable gamepad

        Reviewed dynamic tutorial


        Corrected a bug when player died during a boss, events would no longer trigger.

    Try the alpha :


  • Thanks !

    Though it's not my domain, I'm trying quite hard to have a game not too ugly :p

    I will update the alpha version with latest mechanisms and graphics soon.

    Also, I forgot to ask about the biggest english forums for indies to present their project. Since I mostly promoted on french forums, I don't have much information about the english indie community.

    If you'd be so kind as to give me some tips about it, that would be really helpful !

  • Hi all,

    I recently updated the graphics of the game for something more enjoyable :

    <img src="http://spooky-heroes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/screen8.jpg" border="0" />

    The website of the game has also be updated with Wordpress, for easier communication.


    And to finish for today's update, I added a 3rd hit for the basic combo which causes a knockdown on ennemies if fully hit by the combo. Added to that the possibility to finish ennemy on ground, this should increase the pace of the game as well as its interest.

    More to come in the following days.

  • Hi everybody !

    After more than 2 years of planning, development, mistakes and promotions, Spooky Heroes has finally been released on Steam.


    I'd like to thank you all for your support and help all this time !

  • I've not been clear enough.

    I'm creating a platform game where the player can visit towns and enter shops to buy items.

    When he enters a building, the interior of the shop appear and the items are displayed. Those items are already in the layout.

    Now my aim is this :

    When the player collided with an item, he can click a button to buy it. When bought, a copy of this item appear near the player.

    The problem is there are many different items and I would like to avoid to create one line of code for each one of them to create a copy of the item purchased.

    Is there a way to clone an object from the layout during an event ?

  • Hi,

    I would like to know if a feature allowing to clone a sprite directly in code was available.

    Or if creating an object with a dynamic name has been introduced.

    I already read from here :


    It's not possible but this post is from last year.

    Have things evolved ?

    And I also know the trick with creating an sprite containing many different frame but I'm not a fan of this work around.

    Any advices ?


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  • Hum, can't find the button to edit first post to change subject to [SOLVED]. Or maybe there's no need on this forum ?

  • Ok,

    So following your point, I checked my Java version.

    It appears I had 4 different version of java installed at the same time... 3 version 6 (update 25,26 and 31) and one version 7 (update 40)

    Strangely, C2 was using the old version 6, when my browser detected the 7.

    So here are all the steps I did to correct :

    • Uninstall all versions of Java
    • Download Java (Be careful here, if you use C2 64Bit, you need Java 64Bit which is not the regular download, check this page to download manually the 64Bit version of Java :


    Install Java 64

    Restart C2

    Open retro style template

    Export HTML5 and Node Webkit

    Both are working now

    On my first download of Java, I got the 32 Bit without knowing and when I tried to export, C2 showed me the message about this mistake.

    So in conclusion, I'm really thankful for your tip as this Java problem might alos be the cause of crashes for others of my games, and my C2 export finally works !

    Thanks a lot !