Cryptwalker's Forum Posts

  • Tom is working on that issue right now. I'll post again when the issue is fixed :).

  • Thanks Tom, just sent you a PM :)!

  • So here's a retro fast paced aracde shooter that we'd like to share called "Tesseract Hyper Gunner". Objective of the game : get all the "Hyper Cubes" remaining in each level and SURVIVE in the process. Simple right :)? Can you beat all 5 levels and save the Universe :)??

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    We have two versions online right now :

    We recommend using Google Chrome for best performance. And if you have a hefty enough system, try the full screen version and hit F-11 on for the best experience :)!

    Controls (also in the game tutorial) :

    • Aim - use mouse
    • Shoot - left mouse button
    • Jump - right mouse button/space bar
    • Move left - A key
    • Move right - D key
    • Switch Weapons - E key
    • Toggle FPS - 5 key

    We would definitely like to see what everyone is getting for their FPS. Hope you all enjoy!

  • This is actually repost from this issue here, but i figured i'd post it here since it maybe a website issue.

    Having some trouble uploading to the Scirra Arcade, stating that my zip file is larger than 10mb when its actually only 8.9mb. Anyone else having this issue?


  • That maybe what we need for it though, just to pause it during minified. Would you mind sharing that SDK rexrainbow?

  • I was just trying to upload my game to the Scirra arcade and it returned an error saying the zip file was too big, even thought the zip file itself is clearly under 10mb, its only 8.9mb. Or is the validator going by the size of the file unpacked? Any ideas on what else I should do?


  • This is another issue stemming from the pokki environment. Larger HTML5 apps may take "some time" to fully load all the media files before the Canvas is rendered on the screen. In normal browsers, we can see this happening during the HTML5 loading screen. However, tn the pokki environment, the HTML5 loading screen with your default logo doesn't display during the loading, only a blank screen is displayed until the canvas is actually rendered (yeah their stuff is a bit wacked).

    So is there a way we can disable the canvas element until all the media is loaded, while displaying a custom HTML image/message in place instead?

  • Thanks Ashley. This issue is that in the pokki environment, when the app is "minimized", it doesn't trigger it as going into a different tab so therefore it continually runs full process in the background - unlike how it would on a normal browser. I'm currently experimenting with disabling groups to see if this can be detected in the pokki environment.

  • Yes i'm wondering this too. Had some issue getting it to work with the pokki environment. Not only does it has to pause the rendering but also the music/sound along with it.

  • Wow, that was great :)!

  • Interesting :). Looks very similar to something else you're gonna be seeing soon :).

  • Has anyone got minimize to work? I can get their little "button" on there (not the actual image since that doesn't show up), but when it mimimizes the game is still playing on the background. I believe that as soon as we get this working, it should be ready to submit.

    EDIT : nevermind, figured out the minimized button thing. was looking at the wrong CSS file the whole time (duh). Still can't figure how to stop the game from running while its minimized though.

  • How about this (from Yume Penguin Monogatari) :

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • Interesting, how are the framerates?

  • Nice remake, what tool did you use to do the electronic voices?