CrudeMik's Forum Posts

  • liquidmetal - it is pretty difficult yes! haha not overly tough though, similar difficulty range to N.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Failure awaits...

  • I'm making a very hard game...

  • **UPDATE**

    It's out!

    Thanks all here who have helped me with various things over the year.


    It has taken me 1 year and 7 months working on and off around my day job but Brute is now finished and I'm starting to get the marketing materials and website together to release it.

    Here's an unlisted video I will use as a launch trailer when it's available:


    Original Post:

    Brute is an arcade puzzle shooter thingy.

    The initial release will feature:

    * 100 levels - 50 standard levels and 50 remix (very difficult) versions

    * Grid mode - which is how the player progresses through the game non-linearly

    * Secrets

    PM me if you would like to help test the game

  • Interested to see why this is a point and click

  • Ashley - okay cool

  • Ashley - Would you like a capx of my project? it's a bit big for a crash report but as I say it's hard to set up the conditions to reproduce this bug.

  • okay figured out one solution using 'sourceAtop' blending

  • Torpedo - The platforms do move in my scene though, I think I might have found a solution with the paster plugin, will get back here.

  • Hi all,

    I need some help with something. My artist has created a quick concept sketch here:

    I think it's great, but I'm having a lot of trouble trying to prototype the shadows here. To be honest I'm not even sure where to begin with it. I think it'd need mask layers for some of these, but not even sure that's possible in C2. The shadow plugin doesn't seem to give you control of shadow length as far as i'm aware.

    Sorry I'm a super idiot when it comes to graphics.

  • Somebody - I love these effects. I'm wondering, for the drop shadow is there a way so that the it gradients into transparent at the edges?

  • Problem Description

    When changing variable value of multiple objects in a scene.

    Attach a Capx

    I can't re-create this in a new project, so I have uploaded a video of the issue (excuse the music) ... .01.02.mp4

    Description of Capx


    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • select all of one object from objects pannel
    • change variable for all objects
    • deselect them

    Observed Result

    editor crash

    Expected Result

    no crash

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    win 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Abandon all hope.

  • mattb - haha! Forgot about that.

    Cheers for the feedback, will be sure to update the devlog once there's some actual gameplay to try

    One of the last thing I put in was a stabilizer, if you hold left shift, it increases drag but consumes fuel, it allows you to stop drifting. The AI fly with the stabilizer always on at the moment and they freak out when it's switched off.

    Oh also, press F to turn your light off - for stealth. Currently working on 'alert' states so that the AI attack you when you do something they don't like.

  • Okay thanks for all the help everyone, I've manage to optimize the game down so that I can have about 20 of these AI doing their thing in a scene and it runs at 60 on my crappy laptop.

    Here's a simple build of an area: ... index.html

    You can't do much, but on load press ENTER to take control of one of the AI and use WASD / QE to thrust. I don't know what sort of frame rates you will get but hopefully it'll be stable.

    Thanks again, there's still much more optimization that can be done, but at least now I can get back to designing gameplay.