Cross_'s Forum Posts

  • Is this the typical issue with WebGL text layers always being on top, no matter what ?

  • Thanks Ashley- I just found that code last night ;)

    I think there are two issues that keep throwing me off. First that scaling acts like scaling plus cropping ("no black bars") and secondly that parallax is not based on the top-left window position. Opening the C2 parallax example and changing the window size moves the background layer around which IMO should not happen.

    What happens when you run in windowed mode and change the c2canvas.width/height setting during runtime ?

  • So far I have run into two issues where the C2 fullscreen scaling does not work the way I'd expect it to. Since Ashley confirmed that everything is working as it should, maybe somebody can give me more pointers on how to work with projects at different screen sizes. I have read the appropriate pages on this website but there are not many details to be found.

    My expectation was that if I set a 400x400 project window size and enable fullscreen scaling, that the browser would zoom in as much as possible while maintaining the original aspect ratio. E.g. on a 1024x786 screen we'd now have a 786x786 window and all layer relationships remain the same. Clearly that's not the case. I can get this (desired) behavior by changing the Zoom setting inside Chrome and disabling C2's fullscreen scaling. However, I would like to understand C2's algorithm instead. Any pointers ?

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  • Well it's supposed to have a parallax effect and looks alright in windowed mode, but not in fullscreen-scaled.

  • Maybe I still don't understand how fullscreen scaling is supposed to work, but to me this looks broken.

    Here's a platformer test with a window size of 240x252. Run in preview mode and you should see a familiar pink buggy rolling over a green mountainscape

    Now set Project->Fullscreen in Browser to On(scaled) and preview the project-> the background has disappeared.

  • This appears to still be an issue with r76. I exported my r75 and tested it- everything looks good. Installed r76, opened the r75 project, hit export and now the hotspots have moved back to center instead of bottom-left where they used to be.

  • The so called Communism of which you speak is/was actually totalitarianism, covered with a thin veneer of "Communism".

    True communism--where everyone works for the community; where work and resources are equally shared, based on need and ability; where no one is in charge--would be a good thing.

    It's been over 160 years since communism was suggested. All countries that claimed to be communist or headed that way were totalitarian. At this point I think it's safe to conclude that communism is de facto totalitarianism.

  • Instead of thinking of all the illegitimate content on Megaupload -- and I will admit, there was plenty of it -- think of all the people hosting legitimate files on it who just lost everything. Think of all the copyrighted content on Youtube, much of which stays up forever and ever; why isn't it getting shut down instead?[/IMG] Yep- think of that and get mad at the Megaupload people for being criminals. If they had done their job just like Youtube then this legal content would still be up.

    If you own content and send a form to youtube saying that somebody uploaded it illegally then youtube will remove that content. Megaupload would simply ignore those requests- and that's why they are going to jail.

    bet they knew about this for a while and they waited on purpose. It's just how a shady gov. like the US gov. works. nvestigation was going on for 2 years.

  • "It begs the question that if you can find and arrest people who are suspected to be involved in piracy using existing laws, then why introduce further regulations which are US-only and potentially damaging."ecause the servers were running in the US and the owners were in countries with copyright laws and extradition treaties. SOPA is about people hosting content say in China where nobody can touch them.

    Noteworthy point is that MegaUpload has been violating the DMCA safe harbor provisions, i.e. they did not take down content that they were told was infringing copyright. So.. good riddance.

  • Ooooh clever. I like it <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Great job!

    We have lots of programming tutorials but not much about creating artwork. I would be curious to read a step-by-step guide of how you go about creating one of your buddies.

  • Nice graphics !

    You should have a native English speaker fix the game over page.

  • Is there a good solution for adjusting the animation frame for isometric sprites in that case?

    In my code I do it like this:

    +For every Jeep:

    ->Set Animation Frame= (Self.CustomMovement.Angle>45 & Self.CustomMovement.Angle<135) ? DOWN_SPRITE_FRAME : Self.Frame

    ->Set Animation Frame= (Self.CustomMovement.Angle>=135 & Self.CustomMovement.Angle<225) ? LEFT_SPRITE_FRAME : Self.Frame
