Creeps Compilation's Forum Posts

  • I am considering the purchase of the "Cordova" plugin for Construct 2 sold at the Scirra Store

    Plugins page, however, I am confused as to what I am buying>

    I have read in multiple posts that this "Cordova" Construct 2 supports "SQLITE" database functionality, however, I do not see any reference to that on the actual "Cordova" plugin page at the Scirra Store?

    I found a post by "Josek5494" regarding the "Cordova" plugin for Construct 2 supporting "SQLITE":

    On that post, he gives a URL link to his own webpage:

    I cannot find a way to communicate with "Josek5494" directly, other than posting a NEW question here.

    I have an application that requires this "SQLITE" functionality and I simply don't understand how the

    "Cordova" plugin works, etc.

    PLEASE CONTACT ME "Josek5494", or anyone else who understands this "SQLITE" plugin and functionality.


  • Thank you for the reply...

    I paid a guy to program an ADDON for the "User Media" Plugin

    that creates a FLASH ON - OFF function.

    I can share it with you if you need it?

  • I found this MIDI Plugin: "Construct 2"

    I tried to message the plugin maker, but have not gotten any replies.

    Does anyone know if there is a MIDI (IN-OUT) Plug in for Construct 3 anywhere?

  • That worked GREAT !!!

    Thank you very much...

  • I have a List Box and I am ADDING items as I go..

    When the List Box runs out of room, it automatically begins to SCROLL

    and a SCROLL BAR shows up.

    However, it always shows the FIRST ITEMS ADDED and not the LAST ITEMS ADDED..

    How do I get a LIST BOX to ALWYAS show the BOTTOM of the LIST?

    In other words, the last item ADDED should always be show, most current?

  • Hello Skymen,

    I am having trouble getting that ADD ON to work with the BACK Facing camera.

    The project you posted works GREAT on the FRONT facing camera, I can get the video

    stream and light working, however, no matter what I try, I am having trouble getting the

    BACK camera on any cell phone to turn ON or OFF the FLASH..

    Please test it on the BACK camera and let me know what you find.

  • I am taking pictures with the USER MEDIA plugin and I am finding that I need to

    add an option to my project that allows a user to rotate the camera picture within

    sprite object.

    The cell phone camera will take a picture in landscape mode when held sideways and

    in portrait mode when held vertical.

    However, I would like to give the user the option to rotate the image inside the sprite.

    Note: Rotating the sprite object itself is not what I am looking for.

    Within the image editor, I can rotate the image within the sprite object, but I need to

    do this at runtime.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Literally, everything you helped me with has WORKED PERF !!!

    Thank you very much...

  • Any idea how to separate every two digits of a string?

    If I have a string "112233445566", how do I read every (2) digits to

    separate the values? These represent individual BYTES

    I need to pull this string apart (2) characters at a time.

    Byte # 1 = 11

    Byte # 2 = 22

    Byte # 3 = 33

    Byte # 4 = 44

    Byte # 5 = 55

    Byte # 6 = 66

  • Any idea how to separate every two digits of a string?

    If I have a string "112233445566", how do I read every (2) digits to

    separate the values?

    These are bytes: I need to pull this string apart (2) characters at a time.







  • GREAT !!! Thank you very much...

    I'm not that familiar with how to sort and parse within the Construct environment.

    I see that you used "Compare Two Values"..

    left(line, 1)

    Equal to =

    "[" This identifies the "Group" section? Then, you use an "else" statement assuming any other lines are "Parameters"? Since these INI files will always be structured in the exact same order, I should be able to sort by line number, (Example: the first (9) lines are always "Global Settings" and the TOP line will always be the group name "[GLOBAL_PARAMETERS]".

    The 2nd line will always be the "Name" variable, and so on.

    All I need from each line is the VALUE "after" the "=" ?

    While the loop reads a single line in, I just retrieve the VALUE "after" the "=".

    Do, you know of a technique to READ the VALUE "after" the "=" ???

  • Thank you so much...

    That works GREAT !!!

    So, to write an INI, I need to use NWJS, but will that work to the local PC?

  • I have an application that requires reading and writing to existing "INI" file types.



    Address=1234 Elm St.

    City=Los Angeles







    I am seriously confused as to how this is done.


  • Hey MatrixReal,

    Do you have any information on that "cordova flashlight plugin" you mentioned?

    I am running into major roadblocks trying to find it, or get anything else working.

    At this point, I am getting desperate..

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