CrazyVulcan's Forum Posts

  • gamewanderer

    I have been using the Standard Licences on steam for about a year. I even wrote a review there for the steam version. I use about as many plugins and other features as scirra provides naively. Also a big plus for steam would be that Construct 2 is updated automatically as new stable releases come out and I have been working on the same project for about 9 Months and have yet to come across any compatibility issues from features updating or adding new ones.

    The only issue I had with steam when updating to the paid version is that I did not get the rep for owning the game. Which was immediately fixed by the helpful staff just include your purchase number when wighting the report included in the email sent to you from steam when you make the purchase

    And like koss said it is probably the best thing I ever bought on steam. Currently I am up to 526 hours logged in to C2.

    To add a plugin is simple just download it, usually as a zip from the creators hosting site like DropBox and unzip it in C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Construct2\Construct2-Win32\exporters\html5 and then either \plugins or \behaviors depending on what you add. It also works the same with 64bit just chose the needed folder.

    I recommend checking out rexrainbow's body of work. He even made a rexrepo app that will auto install his plugins and will even keep track of updates.

    Feel free to message me if you need any advice. I know I have a lot of things still to learn but I have got the program learned pretty well.

  • first you need some varables, "Time" and "Day" have both be a number and start at zero Also every time you compleat a event that will remove time left simply add X points to "Time". You will want to add up so when Time=X becomes greater than 24 reset the varable "Time" to 0 and add 1 to "Day". And consider 0 to be 12PM so you can start with Time=12.

    To change day/night as you progress Have a condition that when Time>=19 & Time <=6 change you backround to night and another that when Time >=6 & Time <=19 it turns to day.

    Also have conditions for when Day=0,1,2 etc to mark your progress and do unique actions. Actually you can use the command Groups, right click in the event sheet. And have things spefific to Monday be in the Monday group, Tuesday in a Tusday group etc. Groups can be turned on and off so one could have only certen things happen when a group is active.

    To have a sleep feature simply set the varable Time=When ever you get up and add 1 to Day

    I hope that helps get you started at least.

  • I need to move my first question to here so my first post would be just my game synopsis and the current question. The Op will have links to each subsequent question.

    03/06/2015 UPDATE[03/25]

    Thanks to Rex I have managed to use the CSVplugin with AJAX to upload a debug CSV with 10 people on it with their stats. I feel comfortable using the plug in to pull data and push updates back to that file. Problem is that it is stored with my website. And I still do not know how to make a system of user accounts who each have a copy's of master CSVsheets and be able to change them though their unique gameplay.

    I know I am on the right track with this but I must admit I am intimidated about MySQL. Currently I am using a simple note editor and bitballoon. I have on the top level all my web pages for my site with a sub folder for things like images and data, and another folder containing my latest version of my game. But where do I put all the users files? In a sub folder which each user having a folder of their own? I know that is wrong and way too big to work with hundreds of users.

    I am looking at firebase but I cant get files to upload (see below question). And I will not build it by hand when my whole goal is to automate it as much as I can.

    as always thank you all for your help.

  • Very interesting, CV!

    rexrainbow -- I'm curious, for building a persistent world, do you think Firebase would be well-suited for:

    a) the database of player characters' statistics and inventories

    b) tracking all the various events going on in the world -- which NPCs are happy, which ones are angry, what time of day is it, etc. etc.

    ...or c) both of those?

    Looking at your example and trying it out on multiple PCs I was impressed with how well it worked for that purpose.

    Just trying to make the right decisions early on in my project so I don't end up having to redo major things down the road.

    I currently am learning the firebase system of handling files to do part A of your question. Using CSV's I am attempting to have the player download their CSV off the firebase and use that to handle all their inventory. So when the game loads and the player logs in it will call firebase

    for var player name = MyUsername

    call order by key MyUsername; == str("MyUsername"&Character.CSV)

    Then with that CSV file Pull any needed data for that one object in this instance my character



    Then you will have an array (Or another CSV which is my aim) with all your items listed.


    Lv1WS,Level One Wooden Sword,3,5,20 Gold

    Lv2WS,Level Two Wooden Sword,6,4,25 Gold

    Lv1SS, etc etc etc"

    This way each item of your character CSV can have links to the master for its information so long as the row name is the same as the string of that item. This should work for any needed data and to save you having to call the masterCSV every time you need something just make variables with a value from that masterCSV

    So you can make a variable for the damage you deal when you hit something like Var Attack == masterCSV.At(CharacterCSV.At("AA","Weapon"), "Attk)"

    Then when you hit something just set enemyHealth == enemyHealth - Attack

    I wish I know code to more esaly say that but that is why I use C2 lol.


    Login>Call CharacterCSV>Use that to reference a MasterCSV(the .At of first as the row name of second)>make variables based off that call for faster processing

  • Televangelist

    Don't know if you knew that this page existed but all Rex's plugin's are listed here. The documentation to myself is very complete and useful. Only complaint is that the example capx don't show much in the way of what they can be used for, simply how they function. Hope this helps

    I am too working on a similar project only its more of a single player game with a lobby for MP but I intend to have a asyncreness Over World where there is a overmap and players battle for areas

  • Good luck! Its going to be tough especially the time it'll take for one person.

    I am working on a similar project, The website for my game is and a video at

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    I've tested passing data into the C2 game from the website as well as website data into C2. I purchased an icon pack and drew 800+ images to equip onto the avatar. The player's equipped items are in the database and the items on the inventory can be equipped. The "Explore" page shows a map that is map in C2.

    I've been working on this on and off casually for about 4 months and at this rate, its still going to be miles away!

    Looks great, This is very much what I am trying to accomplish. Think of each ship as a character with officers being equipped to it, and equipment equipped to it. And each officer is a character with Ability's, so its a group of characters grouped to another character, which is one of many characters you control. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused"> Its simpler than I am making it out to be but my game is a character Turduckin.

    Do you mind going into a little more detail on how you passed data into C2. Like For that Dragon Sword. What file type did you use and what were some difficulty's you came across.

    rexrainbow , I owe a big thanks to you as your CSV plugin has carried me this far. If I had a way to edit those CSV docs on the fly I would be in great shape but now I am ready to move on to more advanced means of data storage. Thank you for all the work you do here

  • *Moderators - this is a How to thread but is ever evolving like a presentation thread. If you feel it is more appropriate elsewhere on this site feel free to move it.

    My Current Issue<< Starts on page 3

    Hello all its been a minute but let's get back into this. I have found a solution to how I want to handle the players unlocked items. Instead of a very large CSV file that I am pulling from my server. Which is both slow and expensive. I simply have a JSON of a C2 Dictionary that list which items are locked vs unlocked. I then after loading the dictionary use it to change a master CSV that I pull from the project folder that has everything locked as default. Seeing as right now my one faction has 125 characters one can choose from plus each having unique stats and abilities this I found is a great solution.

    Now the thing tripping me up at the moment is more basic to C2. In my menu I have six instances of my officers I can choose from. Also instances of text items for their name, various stats and abilities. This is something that I have always had a time of wrapping in my head. How does one translate how one object functions by using a different object?

    I have a "For each Row in Column" Loop with the Compaire Two Items "CSVOfficer.At("Unlocked",CSVOfficer.CurRow). I also have a Pick instance just selecting instance 0 of one of my six sprites that show the portrait of the officer in question. I then want to change the frame of that sprite to equal the row (which is indexed numerically) of my CSV.

    That works all well and good but now I am attempting to do the second sprite (the other five as well) Where it is the same only i Pick instance 1 of my sprite. But without knowing how to increment to the next option those five sprites end up being the same as Sprite number 0.

    I've tried adding the sprites IID number to the option when setting the frame but that will not work since it is possible for the next row to be false so if they were on row 3 and I add one it then would display row 4 but if row 4 was false then that is not right.

    And that is not even taking into account flipping through pages of all the officers.


    The Goal<<

    This is going to be a continuously updated thread as I have decided against making a number of different but related threads. I will do my best to keep this post Up to date on the current issue I am focusing on.

    My game is meant to bring the table top miniature war game to the easy access of the Internet. It is a Space Navy war game of my own original design meant to be played with two players using small to large scale fleets. Using a cost system I will hope to balance out players who bring powerful ships worth lots of points to any player who dose not have the rare or other wise expensive ships/officers/equipment

    The game will be free to play with a cash shop monitization system where players can chose to buy in game currency with cash. This currency will of course be grindable by players who chose to not pay for their items. Things you could buy are things like new ships, special crew, access to new factions, and other things that while game effecting. Will be assigned a apropate number of points to balance them. Players win currency for playing online match's and a auction house that will allow players to sell their won items for their value in currency.

    Players can gain new items for completing missions (more later) and winning games at random. These packs will be random and will need a key from the shop to open and unopened packs can be sold to earn currency faster. These packs will not be hard to come by so selling them is a viable option. Simply the more you play the more currency you get and buying currency for real money is simply a way to get what you want faster.

    The business aside the game will be a large undertaking and I intend to see that a alpha will be done within the end of the year. This game will take place on its own web site and I am learning to code HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL as fast as I have time to learn. Its frustrating at times and often I have run into problems that while I could ask for help I had determinedly stuck to my own ability. But I came around to not only wanting help but to share what I am working on as I really am trying to push C2 to its limit.

    Oh and for those that do not like to play online I intend to once I have the alpha done and move into beta I will make a single player campaign that you can play solo and even make your own ship and officers. that will then be available to use in online match's.

    And once all these "small" tasks are done I will be launching a physical version that will allow you to play with your friends in your own home. Hopefully will get the ball rolling on that by next summer.

    ps yes....yes I am crazy but it is what makes me so charming

  • Ignore me, I was miss reading your original post.

  • Have you tried adding another ..


  • Given how Google Drive and Dropbox have screwed up how you host folders on their site I can vouch how bitballon is a very good alt. Just share the url, as is or embedded in a iframe and off to the races you go. Clean and simple.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • AJAX can save data, and that's actually your only avenue of saving anything on a server. You might have overlooked that important part in the manual. Look it up, it's the "Post to URL" action.

    Yes I did seem to overlook that, thank you. So I've spent the last few days looking for a platform to build my website and I have decided on "Google Web Designer". And am currently working on how to get my exported html5 file into there so when I go to that URL it will load my game. Lest for now till I actually get things like a homepage and forum built, not looking forward to that task.

    Then I will come back to the issue at hand, untill then, thanks

  • XML is no go due to C2 being set to read only. I'm at a complete loss with this. I can not use Webstorage, because there is not option to save to a server. NodeKit because this is a HTML game and nothing will be saved to disk. Not XML for afor mentioned resin. AJAX just calls items and has no ability to save anything. And I've looked though just about every plugin available on this site and can find nothing. Someone has to have done this before in C2.

    Please I need your help.

  • I have done this for my game but I fear its not a simple proses. If the play space is 1000u x 1000u and your viewport is 300u x 100u then you will need to set up a number of conditions. For scrolling left

    For every tick MouseX is less than or equal to ScreenX-50u & If ScreenX is Less than or equal to LayoutX 0u. Then scroll 10u at 180deg (Left).


    this will move the screen 10 units to the left every tick(or smaller depending on scale) As long as your mouse's X position is to the left 50u to the screens center. And the second condition will stop it moving left as again your view port has a X,Y coordinate. So if your screen's X is less than or equal to your viewports X it will keep moving left every tick till the second condition is rendered false

    This is then repeated for Right 0deg, Up 90deg, and Down 270deg. And I hope this helps


    *u in this case is just "units" be they pixils or inches

  • I can't help you with your game question but I can touch on the website part.

    I just finished testing my game using the html export option.

    Uploading to a webhost is extremely easy, I just copied and pasted the files and boom my game was up.

    It comes embedded on a standard html file that you could edit and integrate into your website.

    Saving and reading from your website storage should't be an issue.

    Huh, I could export a test file to see what happens, thanks. As a newcomer to web development could you explain what steps I need to store that data? I have not looked at XML yet for storing my data but you can save those. So just put all the JSONs of each player in their XML file and call that when they log in.

    I will look again at the tutorials here but any resource/tips will be welcome

  • Simplest way I know is to create a sprite that has your splash animation at the point of contact with the water. You throw a rock and it touches the water. at that moment create a sprite at x=Rock(X) Y=Rock(Y) and have it play the splash animation. Then destroy the sprite after the animation.

    Or with a balloon hitting the wall, same idea only you could just have your balloon stop at the point of contacting the wall and just play the popping animation and then destroy it after that has run