corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • Say I set an item called "score" via local storage. Where would I find this in Windows?

  • If multiple instances of the same sound play in the same area, this is very bad for the user's ears. I need to know reduce the volume of the same sound if multiple instances of it play in the same area under positioned audio.

  • Very nice. Thank you.

  • If I have an object on a layer with 0% parallax, how do I get its X and Y coordinates relative to a layer with 100% parallax?

  • So how will I test using it without having to export my project every single time I want to run a preview?

  • Is the NWjs plugin going to ever work in browser C3? Right now it only works in the desktop version which is being retired soon. I really don't like the fact I have to export to test if my NW.js actions and conditions even worked. Sorry if this has been answered already, I am bad at keeping up on things.

    Is there some alternative I can use, if not, so I can load external files while testing my project in C3?

  • They were intangible in 1, but pretty sure nearly all the other games after had solid death tiles including Flame Man's burning oil tiles that act like spikes that I clearly remember were solid even though that's really weird. To be honest, in terms of NES, there was only one background layer and the spikes in 1 just had no collision detection.

    It seems to work though if you use offsets like I mentioned. Just keep it in mind for future reference I guess? You might want to do it later as well.

  • Most Mega Man games had solid spikes.

    Seemingly from testing I just did related to what you said, we have to use overlapping at offset and the offsets something like Platformer.Platform.VectorX * Platformer.dt and I'm guessing the platformer's vector Y needs always set to 10 when standing so it detects when standing on death traps too.

  • It doesn't because the platformer behavior makes the collision check impossible via events.

  • I mean solid behavior. If I use solid behavior then the platformer object can't detect it collided with the object using solid because it's pushed out of it before any conditions can check for that.

  • Just something like Mega Man spikes that are solid and kill you if you touch them is something I need to do.

    I don't need to know how to create a death sequence, I already did that. I just need to know how to trigger it if a platformer touches a specific solid object.

  • Those are viable methods too if I understood correctly. Though they have drawbacks compared to what I did, I will definitely keep in mind your one method to load the tilemap data as a whole manually, because that would allow for more intricate animations than what I did. The method to load a new tilemap image also could be handy for an entire tilemap animating every tile at the same speed.

    Mine just basically gets rid of the need for an entire image for each frame of the tilemap so you won't have redundant repeats of the same graphic for tiles that are static. Also allows for different tiles to animate at different speeds. The downside is that the replace() expression could hypothetically conflict and seriously mess up the tilemap, displacing tiles and all kinds of nasty things you'd probably never want. lol

    Hopefully in the future Ashley makes it where we can do animation frames on a per-tile basis. Obviously it's not essential because we have three very feasible work arounds to animating tiles despite C3 has no built in tile animation. Just would streamline the process and probably require less processing than what we're doing. I see he did things like being able to turn off tile collisions. Also would be cool if he added some functionality like Tiled has, such as tile properties, so we can do some really complex stuff just with the tilemap alone without needing separate objects like detectors.

  • Is there a way I could hypothetically cause my game to skip ahead in one frame as if the time scale was set to something like 100, but things such as the platformer behavior progress as if they were still at a time scale of 1? If I just set the time scale to 100, things happen like the platformer outright goes through objects due to how time scale works, so I know I can't just set it to 100 in this scenario and call it good. Any work arounds?

  • This is what my function looks like. It's somewhat hard to parse visually due to how tilemap data is stored so it will replace the specified tile right, but it is way better than the for loop method as said even with it replacing every single instance in the whole tilemap.

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  • Just looking to get a discussion going so maybe I find out better ideas than what I did.

    Currently I just made a function with a target tile and new tile parameter with the tile ID numbers respectively that changes them with a replace() expression on the tilemap as a JSON string. It's definitely waaaaaay less intensive than using a for loop to check even just every tile on screen. Then I use the timer behavior and internal numeric variables to control individual tile anims.