corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I'm currently just destroying and recreating initial objects on a global layer when the player presses pause, but this ends up making the game lag really bad for a bit since it has to recreate dozens upon dozens of objects. I destroy and recreate said objects to minimize impact on CPU they cause when they wouldn't be needed when the game resumes.

    Is there a better way to do this?

  • I'm using the tilemap object to pull off the player being able to load spritesheets into my game. I was wondering if I could change the tile size during runtime to open the door for variable size sprites.

  • I can see the point of both sides of this with Ashley's explanations to his hesitation and also what everyone else is saying.

    It might be a good idea to try to meet halfway somehow, if possible. So that way Ashley doesn't get swamped spending all his time of the suggestions list rather than actually getting things done in working on C3. It is kind of frustrating that there are things like tiled backgrounds can't be animated at this time, and you'd think it'd be a given that jump throughs also have collision tags like solids, but I also understand Ashley is probably spreading himself too thin with all that he's doing currently.

    It's times like this I would look to hiring more people if possible, but I can't even pretend to know Scirra's financial situation or the laws of the country they're based which are likely totally different from the ones in mine.

  • You gave me an idea to just make the game increase its canvas size slightly because my game is already programmed to handle different sizes of that with black bars on the side to make it visually appear still 256x224. This seems to have fixed it because the edges of the screen where the tilemap can't paste are never visible. Players likely will never notice it's been set to 262x224 or whatever I end up going with since it uses letterbox integer. As well as probably all monitors are wider than they are tall to begin with.

    I need to use drawing canvas for this because sprites like the player and enemies also cast a drop shadow.

  • I am using a canvas on the background tile layer with "source atop" blend to paste the foreground tiles and characters onto it and offset it so they all have a drop shadow but only on the background tile layer and parallax layers don't have it appear on them. The problem is that the canvas object seems unable to paste sections of tilemaps that aren't on screen. So if the player moves quickly enough left or right, the drop shadow on the edges of the screen is missing for a moment. How do I compensate for this?

  • I just want to position the game's window based on the current monitor it resides.

  • They take minutes at a time to save and I have to save constantly with how much C3 can sometimes crash. Saving to local browser only takes seconds and doesn't interrupt me doing work. I have never lost my project due to clearing my browser cache because even if I do, I've uploaded a backup practically every day and I always save to a project file before I clear browser cache.

    I figured out how to make the option appear anyway, so thanks for the concern but I have it handled. When I was a lot younger I already learned the hard way losing a whole project well into it due to not backing up and have never made that mistake since.

    Even if I did lose my entire project, I'd only be mad at myself for being so careless because it's not anyone's fault but mine. lol

  • How do I save something to the local browser to make it appear then? C3 currently doesn't give me the option to save to that.

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  • I'm having this STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error crash C3 in Chrome as well but on Windows 10 when my game just runs for a short amount of time in certain layouts. I'm not sure yet why because debugging these kinds of things is virtually impossible because I'm not a programmer of C3, but I have to debug it somehow to reproduce it 100% of the time or else my bug report will just be closed immediately.

    EDIT: Reverting to the last version of Chrome might have fixed it, but now I don't have the local storage option for saving projects. Seems like in 2021 it's always something broken with any software or consoles.

  • As it stands I have a function that when called when a character is damaged it runs through all enemies and bosses in the game to see if their HP has reached 0 to initiate their death animation or exploding to pieces or whatever. This however has led to the function being massive due to how many hostile characters we have and so it can noticeably slow down the C3 GUI when expanded.

    Is there a better way to do this via a trigger event? It's not good for FPS if the game checks if their HP is 0 or lower every frame.

  • Yeah I would've reported it, but I can only get it to reproduce in my actual game that is hundreds of MB large and you guys probably won't find that helpful and maybe I did something wrong or have a Windows setting wrong.

    I've remembered in the past you've posted updates where it said projects could refuse to open if they named something like an object the same as an expression before you caught that and fixed it. I think maybe I've done that somewhere and just have too much stuff in the project now to be able to pinpoint it because I started this game long before you fixed that. I guess I can just wait and use the project folder functionality for my next game. Using local storage saves amazingly well without interrupting work flow, but I was just hoping to have NWjs capabilities available to me while developing since my game relies on them a lot.

    Well thanks for replying and stuff. You might still have inadvertently helped in the long run and C3 keeps meeting potential that it keeps having more of as you add stuff. Keep up the good work.

  • I used Process Hacker 2 to view the files C3 is actually working with and it looks like it hangs after it's read the sounds folder and then went back to loading the images folder. Is there a maximum or minimum image size that I'm screwing up?

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  • Looking at the console, it appeared to be giving an error because I tried to add a small EXE game to the project files as an easter egg and I realized browsers are probably specifically set up to prevent processing those in the way local folders work due to security issues and I can just include it still in a roundabout way even though it allowed me to save it as a project file and local storage without complaint.

    I removed this and then tried saving as a project folder and it worked despite taking 15 minutes or so, but the game still causes C3 to stall trying to load from a project folder and the console gives no indication of anything happening in relation to loading a project folder. I went through and systematically deleted objects, layouts, files, event sheets, etc. and it eventually would open the game if I had very little in the project at that point, but it seemed to be purely random as to whether C3 hangs or actually opens it. It seems to be more likely to open the project and not stall as the project has less content in it. I tested this trying to open the project multiple times in different states and there is no clear indicator of it not just being purely random as to loading the project or just stalling. I've tried to look to see if I have any malware or anything and moved NWjs C3 and my project to different hard drives to see if that makes a difference and it doesn't.

    Maybe it's something to do with I have 64-bit Windows 10 and Microsoft keeps seriously breaking it every update the past few years? So maybe they screwed up my computer where I just can't load the project like this? When I was forced to install the 2004 update, I kid you not, my computer couldn't boot up the first two times because of it.

  • Maybe this has something to do with it? When I try to save my actual game as a project folder it tells me I'm unable to save the project and check if I have permission at the chosen location which I don't know why I wouldn't and I ran it as administrator. I was just changing the project file to a zip file and extracting it.