Coin-coin le Canapin's Forum Posts

  • Thank you for your reply

    It doesn't always pick the short way between the two angles though

  • Just specify different values to the damage variable for each object type in your family.

    As simple as it seems.

  • Hi,

    I have an issue with LiteTween:

    If I click so the arrow will have to be between 180 and 360°, it makes one turn to the left (or more) instead of picking the shortest path.

    Any idea how I could always have the shortest path between the start and target angles?

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  • Hi.

    I'd like to design some simple but custom enemies move patterns in a shoot'em up.

    I first thought about using custom movements with math formulas which don't really belong to my brain, or mixing different behaviors like bullet/sine, but it doesn't really fit my needs.

    The idea would be to create X points which will be smoothly followed by an enemy (curved paths and so on).

    On the last point reached, two options I could choose (with a variable for example). The enemy continues in the same direction it has when it reaches the last point, or it enters in a loop and cycle through all the points continuously.

    This kind of plugin (I also saw a similar behavior by r0j0hound, without a custom behavior) is a very good start on the paper, but there are two issues:

    I can't decide how fast the sprite will "turn"

    The sprites has to spend the same time between two points regardless how far they are from each other. I need my enemies to have a constant speed.

    Any idea how to do this ? I'm quite sure this is not very complicated, but far beyond my math skills (which are actually absents).

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to have "shaking layers"?

    For example, if a bomb explodes with a strength 50 shaking for a duration de 1 second, and if another event starts a strength 20 shaking for 0.3s during the bomb explosion, the bomb shaking immediately stops and the small shaking overrides the bomb one. Any way to have the big ones overriding the smaller ones, but when they finish, the other shakings occurring at the same time continue ?

  • Hi dubya850 I didn't log in into the forums for a long time so I didn't see your message.

    I'll upload you the assets tomorrow.

  • Fun problem!

    I had to have a go at it, but it's not the simplest. ... s_sim.capx

    Dropping leaves has never been so much fun.

    Ah ! This one's pretty realistic ! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

    Thank you all. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hi.

    What's the simplest way to create a movement like this

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  • Maybe it has already been discuted, but does anyone know if Construct 3 will have a "children family" feature for the families ? C2 is greatly lacking this.

    Like a family "enemy" and a subfamily "shooter" which herits all the properties from enemy but have their own properties.

    Then you could do "if shooter collision with player -> shooter decreases HP" where HP is an "enemy" property which from "shooter" inherits.

  • Well, thank you for your reply, but that doesn't solve the problem.

  • Hi. ... .capx?dl=1

    I want some jump-thru blocks to be destroyed when we touch them from the top (red blocks in my capx)

    The issue is if we keep running on them, our character doesn't fall. It is instead somewhat "teleported" on the next element.

    I tried to add a player -> fall platform down through jump-thru but it doesn't solve the problem. If we run and jump on the platforms, the issue happens sometimes.

    However, it works perfectly with a simple solid behavior.

    Any idea to fix this issue ? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":-(" title="Sad">

  • Considering your string is "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9"

    You can get for example the fourth number by using tokenat(string, 3, ";") where string is your string (:D), 3 the index and ";" the separator.

  • I guess you can but your variable content in four parts with regexes, but an array would do the trick.

  • It doesn't work. Finally I used rex's behavior as it is quite straightforward.