Coin-coin le Canapin's Forum Posts

  • You can use a variable.

    Create a variable "count = 0"

    Spawn objects only if "count < 20"

    And increase count by 1 each time you spawn an object.

  • Hi.

    Constant 60 FPS with this :

    Floating FPS (35-50) with this :

    Why is that ? Could it be the consequence of the different hitboxes from the diagonal tiles ? How could I sort of "fix" that framerate issue ?

    I think I should add that my tilemap has a physic unmovable behavior. And moveables characters and stuff.

  • Any documentation ? I'm trying to compare "Canvas.rgbaAt(x,y)". How should I use it ?

    edit : nevermind, found it. "rgba(255,255,255,1)".

  • Thank you for the explanations.

  • Oh, right. I didn't think about that. I thought the "skin" used on this action was the skin selected from the condition, not the entire family.

    Thank you for your reply.

    edit : that's weid but my picture doesn't show up anymore. I just want to be sure you saw it before writing your reply

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  • Hi rexrainbow,


    assigning str(player.IID) to an instance variable works, but assigning to a nickname doesn't (it sets no value).

    Any idea why ?

  • Hi !

    Issue I encounter since today when I try to attach a .capx to a post :

    [quote:27rit1uj]General Error

    SQL ERROR [ mssqlnative ]

    SQLSTATE: 22003 code: 8115 message: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int. SQLSTATE: 01000 code: 3621 message: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated. [3621]

    An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.

  • Last question !

    It seems that I can't paste my freshly loaded (from paster.imageUrl) sprite into a canvas object on the same tick.

    For example, it works if I add

    system -> wait 0.1s


    sprite -> load from paster.imageUrl


    canvas -> paste sprite

    If I don't add a system wait, it won't paste the sprite until I trigger it later.

    How to avoid this ?

    edit : it seems that I should use "sprite -> on url loaded" but I can't find it. Weird.

    edit2 : nevermind, found it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

    I'll leave this here, in case someone needs to do the same thing one day : ... .capx?dl=1 (needs the canvas and paster plugins)

    (drag'n drop the character and it will show how many pixels from the sprites and the tilemaps are overlapping it)

  • I'm going to try that, thank you so much

  • Hi !

    I've set up this. It works very well with sprites.

    However, there is an error message when I try to paste a tilemap into the canvas.

    [quote:18bf1g9p]Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

    http://localhost:50000/Tilemap_plugin.js, line 204 (col 20)

    Any idea how to fix that ?

    edit : okay I've got this : plugin-canvas_p845147?#p845147

    So, is there any way to know how much a tilemap is overlapping a sprite with webGL on ?

  • Hi.

    I would to set up default controls. QWERTY and AZERTY (french layout).

    What is the best way to set up these default controls ? By returning the browser language? Another way ? How could I achieve this ?

  • Some of your gifs kind of mesmerize me and I can't look away. They are, I would say, deeply *******

    Guess which ones.

  • If you're going to bend grass, maybe you can take a look to the skew/skend effect by Somebody :

  • I don't know the Physics behaviour that well, so if there is another way to do it, I really don't know. But if your works I guess its fine. But what if two tiles are equal range, won't it bug? for instant if you shoot in the corner below where your shot is on the pictures, then the bottom tile and the right tile will be of equal range, or don't you calculate it that precise, so its not likely to happen?

    I did some tests about it and you're right, it doesn't work the right way.

    Here the projectile collides with the purple square but the detected closest square is a green one.


    I guess I could instead check for the distance between each tile and the projectile instead of the tile behind the projectile. I should just be sure that I won't use the projectile center coordinates because the tiles origin is, if I'm not wrong, on their upper left corner. Or something like that. That's too bad there is no straightforward solution to this…

  • oops, same post.