CloveltOc's Forum Posts

  • Hey Yann I know you aren´t as active around here nowadays, but I´ve been using a program outside C2 called Metaplot and was wondering if your plugin could be capable of loading vector shapes made with it, as it exports .json but just in a different syntax.

    (Apart from vertex, Metaplot draws lines and is capable of inserting metadata to differ parts of the drawing)

    Thanks in advance

    Edit: Added a comparison between the plugin´s export syntax and Metaplot´s

    Polygon plugin:


    Metaplot .json:


    "verts": [ {"x": -30.000000, "y": -40.000000, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0}, {"x": -30.000000, "y": 30.000000, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0}, {"x": 40.000000, "y": 30.000000, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0}, {"x": 40.000000, "y": -40.000000, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0} ],

    "lines": [ {"idx1": 0, "idx2": 1, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0}, {"idx1": 1, "idx2": 2, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0}, {"idx1": 2, "idx2": 3, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0}, {"idx1": 3, "idx2": 0, "hasMeta": false, "metaIndex": 0} ],

    "metas": [ ]


  • chrisbrobs 404 Would really appreciate if reuploaded, looks really nice for minimalist approaches

  • Ize Please reupload it, it´s exactly what I need!

    Neither of the links work, btw

  • Is this still viable for C2? liaeb , its been a while since the last update

  • LittleStain Here they are. I would upload the .capx, but really this is all there is to it!

  • LittleStain Interesting... Without the for each, pickedcount shows the number of ships shooting (<1) and with the for each pcikedcount only shows 1, but still the one with the smallest UID is picked. Still having a very vague idea of why all of this happens!

  • LittleStain Nope, same result... It should tell the right UID when executing the function for every ship with InputFire=1. I´ve got ships with different controls, but they´re all the same object (maybe that´s what causing this?), still, two of them shoot and projectiles spawn in the one with the smallest UID... Weird...

  • Sorry for reopening, but I´m still attempting to fix this

    The function seems to work fine, but I´ve noticed that if more than one member of a family shoots at the same time the correct number of projectiles are created, but in the incorrect instance. Per say, if UID 1 and UID 2 are shooting every "fireRate" seconds, 2 projectiles will be created on instance with UID 1, and none on UID 2. All projectiles spawn on the instance with the smallest UID, anyone knows why this happens? Still really misunderstanding families...

    Edit: added some code snapshots

  • Still, everytime I make a new family and implement stuff based on its variables, the results with more than one instance at a time are incorrect... I´ll read the families manual entry again, I guess

  • Wouldn´t it be the same as calling a function with the UID as a parameter? My biggest doubt right now is about family identification, I don´t know if the same UID would work for identifying an object in different families...

  • I´ll go straight to the point.

    Three families, each has its own instance variables (many of them, i´m actually worried it might affect performance). "shoot" (fireRate, etc), "players" (speed, etc) and "enemies" (steering IA). All players and enemies are inside of "shoot".

    When the function "shoot" is called by a player or an enemy, said code will be executed using that instance´s "shoot" family variables. I´ve tried calling the function using that specific family´s UID as a parameter, and then picking the member of "shoot" with said UID, so it can read its instance variables. I´m pretty sure it doesn´t work as intended, because enemies trigger the function correctly but the code itself is unable to identify the correct instance of "shoot".

    (I read all I can find about families, but still have some serious doubts about them. Any extra documentation would really help)

    Thanks in advance

  • No worries, man

  • Click in an empty space, left of the screen will show configuration settings

    Sampling -> Point

  • Oh you´re totally right. I was wondering if I should have used rings from the beginning, though they might require to be way bigger sprites, I´ll see, thanks!

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  • Just a super simple tunnel with perspective, the only problem is that it is only possible to sort entities (w/ for each ordered) ascending or descending, so I´m unable to send the recently created overlapping circles to their correct z position (as seen in the gif), I would like them to be behind the bigger circles, to give kind of a "tunnel effect".

    This could be easily solved if there would be a way to set an specific z-index, but it is not the case (I guess this feature´s still in the to-do list...)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Event sheet

    Circle spawner with sine continuously creates growing circles, as simple as that. Also, this might be a bit cpu intensive so I would happily accept optimisation tips!