citron2010's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to make something like a flag using a mesh and mapping it to points on objects with physics behavior. This c3p shows the problem:

    • I have a horizontal base with 'ropes' attached to each end
    • Each rope is comprised of three sprites attached to each other with revolute joints
    • The flag is a mesh with some points mapped to various image points on the ropes
    • The pink box can be used to move the ropes
    • The green button switches between mapping the ropes' image points to either the meshes position or texture

    When position is mapped, the mesh is distorted off the right of the screen somewhere

    When texture is mapped, nothing happens.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • ...I think it would be easier to use z-Elevation. That should give the same effect like parallax. You could give the for example the Trees-Layer -40, the Skyscraper -60 and the Background -80. Then you would have to change back the size and position of the layers in the Editor.

    Just done a quick test and it looks like this does exactly what I need - thank you!

  • Can't get Dropbox to work so now trying Google Drive:

  • That Dropbox link broke so trying again:

    But also realised I can move the sprites myself with not much more effort.

  • I'm trying to make something like a pinball game that only scrolls vertically and I'd like various parallax layers, but it seems like they layers get anchored to the top of the layout so that when the viewport scrolls to the bottom of the layout, the layers are all scrolled according to their parallax settings rather than being aligned. Sorry if I've not explained this well - this capx shows the issue:

    Any ideas how I can solve so that all the layers are aligned as per the layout view in the editor, then scroll according to their parallax settings as the player moves upwards?

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  • I'm about to try implementing this so am interested in the answer.

    Is it possibly related to this:

    IAP can only be used in Android or iOS apps. IAP will not work in local preview, remote preview, or with any export option other than Android or iOS.


  • ...the player will have to wait for the invisible ball to make its way across the screen every time they move their mouse...

    Can't you just destroy the invisible ball when the mouse moves?

  • You need to insert the Mouse object to your project first

  • The canvas plugin should be exactly what you're looking for:

  • Hi,

    Had a brief opportunity to test my simple physics game in the browsers of a PS4 (poorish performance), a PS3 & a Wii (both just showed blank screens).

    I've not done any troubleshooting or research yet, but just thought I'd ask here whether anyone can shed any light on these issues.
