chris200x9's Forum Posts

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  • I'm designing a game with similar mechanics to battleship and I'm trying to figure out how to do multiplayer. I want it to be pick up and play and games can survive app closings, for this reason I've decided to not use the multiplayer object and just store moves and game pairs on my server and pass them back and forth via AJAX. I can't figure out how to inform the other player has made a move though, the only thing I can think of is polling but that seems like it'd really hammer my server.

  • I've played around a little bit with tilemaps and the tilemap utility that allows for easy layout creation through picking and "painting" tiles onto the background but I've recently bought ... set-01-518 which is a series of individual sprites. Is there a way I can just "paint" with them like I do a tilemap or do I have to manually import every sprite and place them to make my scene?

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  • Hi I made an intentionally crappy Quiz & Dragons clone mainly for learning purposes. As crappy as the graphics are I think the actual game systems are pretty alright and I learned a lot about creating a game with construct. Any feedback would be cool. ... gons-20686

    Hit space to cycle through dialog and roll the dice at appropriate times and click on the correct quiz answers.

  • Sorry I have not really looked at this problem in construct yet but what immediately jumped out at me is using a loop. While multiplyNumber not equal 0 apend the character to the string and set multiplyNumber to multiplyNumber - 1.

  • Hi I've been working on a small project in construct 2 and am trying to move it to construct 3. I have a webfont and I've followed this tutorial ... -web-fonts. I've got it working great but today I opened my project in construct 3 and it no longer works. I'll attach the capx and c3p if it will help. Maybe a bug in C3?

    The c3p ... lJHWW0tVHc

    The capx ... mNpU1VYYW8

  • I'm trying out construct 3 on android and I've figured everything else out fine, but I cannot figure out how to create an animation and add frames.

    Hi I don't know if this is the right place for this but something I really miss in construct that is in many IDEs is go to function definition. It would be really great if I could just right click on a function call and choose the option to go right to where that function is laid out.

  • Thank you! I had a similar thought shortly after posting this, what I ended up doing was putting all the portraits in an animation with speed 0 to sort of create an array of sprites I then just switched the frame to spaceTotal.

  • I'm attempting to write a very crappy clone of quiz and dragons

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    right now I have my character moving around the board according to dice rolls (Thanks to this tutorial ... ake-a-dice). I keep track of the total number of spaces moved and have bounding boxes that houses an instance variable, spaceNumber, on each tile so I can move accurately according to dice rolls. Depending on which tile you land on a quiz battle ensues with that character. What I can't figure out is how can I have a family of sprites for who I'm going to battle and compare some instance variable with my bounding box so I can automatically load the picture of the right monster that I've landed on.

    I've attached a capx, please forgive me as it is a bit messy and very incomplete. Most of the features are incomplete and only laid out for debuging so they are not really attached yet or even properly separated into functions. ... FBZYTZiSWM

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    I hope it gets released soon. I don't even care about new features I just need linux support.

  • Check it against the boat's bounding box

    when you touch the boat, you can get boat.bboxleft (as your starting X point) and bboxright or width for the right edge, same goes with top to bottom.

    ex, for a 256 width boat with 4 equal 64px parts

    just do on touch/click

    ceil( (mouse/touch.X - boat.bboxleft ) / 64 )

    to get a 1 to 4 result

    Brilliant! Thank you.

  • I'm working on a battleship game and I want to add explosions when a ship is hit, I've figured out how to do it by spawning an explosion sprite at my cursor but the asymmetry is killing me! What I would like to do is spawn the explosion at set centered points depending on which segment you clicked on. At first this didn't seem too difficult as I know how many segments each boat is and how many pixels so I can easily find out how large a segment is and where it begins and ends, my problem however is the mouse x and y pertain to the whole canvas not just my sprite so there is no way I can just compare mouse coordinates to my height.