Chris PlaysOldGames's Forum Posts

  • Here is an old capx I made for a different but similar question. It does what you want but in it you click the gun picture instead of pushing 1 or 2.. same principle. Click on (A) "button" to fire. (click the download arrow in upper right corner to download).

  • Yes, common issue. In my space shooter prototype in my sig I wanted the store to be an invisible/visible layer, not separate layout so I ran into the same issue.

    The way I got around it was to use groups. If you own the personal edition you can put each layers events into their own group (right click event sheet and select "create group", nest events under it). You can then activate/deactivate the group anytime you change menus and they will be turned off/on.

    If you don't own personal... you might be able to use variables to turn them off and on, but it would be very event costly.

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  • 1. Check to make sure your device is not on fire, especially if it's a galaxy 7.

    2. Read this help on optimizing for mobile and see if any of it will help.

    3. Try running it through a browser on the device and see if it's still laggy, if so you know its not the game but phonegap or cordova where you need to focus.

  • Just for learning sake... you could also use a variable.

    on start - spawneralive = 1

    In the spaceship spawn event condition spawneralive = 1.

    When spawner destroyed add action - system set spawneralive = 0.

  • The problem comes in the way construct2 works. It runs eventsheets from top to bottom (more or less) 60 times a second. Even if you set a trigger once condition if it's conditions are true every tick it will keep activating... by putting it in a group and deactivating/reactivating group as it's needed/not needed then construct2 will only run it when it is active.

    I see no reason you couldn't use it in one layout you would just need to put all spacebar events in their own groups and manage when they are open/closed...

  • I would think you could, definitely not as easily. You would need to store the UID or IID (more here on them: of the first instance you click into a variable and then condition out that it is different than the second instance when button released. This is as simple as grabbing the first instance UID/IID with an action in its event that stores the value in a variable. Then in the event for the release of click grab the UID/IID of the object under cursor and condition out that is does-not-equal original stored UID/IID.

  • Here is a capx of what you described. Click the download icon in upper right corner.

    It was pretty easy with the CS2 mouse object commands, didn't have to use any trickery.

  • You could fool around with timescale and delta time... but why not simply make the every x seconds for day change be just more seconds so the day is longer... hard to say more not knowing exactly what your game entails.

  • New challenge: You plugin developers develop a plugin that adds airconsole functionality into CS2 w/o the scripting hassle and add it to the scirra store for a reasonable value point and us non-coders will pay you back.

    I don't care about the contest but it looks like a really fun system to develop games to use with family and friends.

  • The way I have gotten around this is to use groups. Put each spacebar action in its own group and then enable/disable the group when the button is intended to be used for that group.


    Spacebar pressed - do some actions - disable group layout1 - go to layout 2 - enable group layout2

  • I wouldn't update the text box every tick, it's not necessary. Just update the text box whenever you change its value. So put the display text action in the even that randomized the Strength value (make sure it's AFTER any events/actions that modify number. It means a few more actions but IMHO it's less prone to error.

  • Yeah until someone adds CS2 controller ability to the airconsole plugin those of us that aren't particularly strong at scripting will have to wait to play around with it.

  • [quote:36nhs6p1]I even remember I asked Ashley in the past if he could point us where exactly should we change paths in order to be able to put related files under separate directories.... but got no reply so this would need to be investigated.

    I hope this was just an oversight on his part, I believe AirConsole and Construct2 is a good pairing.

  • Start here, no in-Construct2 method yet. You will need to script it.

  • I misunderstood your question obviously.. I reread your problem multiple times and I still am not sure exactly what you're after. I created a .capx using your exact wording the best I could understand and it didn't work as I think you are wanting. The force was applied to jump but if right arrow was pressed the sprite never fell back down it just went right till you released arrow key. Why not use apply force at angle instead?