Chansen's Forum Posts

  • Hello. Im trying to pick the last created object but i can't seem to make it work.

    I have a global variable Ballz. which is at 1 at startup, when the player clicks the ball is dropped and if the ball hits a ring, 1 is added to the Ballz variable, that way the player can keep going till he/she runs out of luck.

    Question 1 is: how do i target the last dropped ball ?

    Question 2 is: how do i detect when the ball isn't bouncing anymore ?

    Hint: The game is over when the ball isn't bouncing anymore.

  • Never mind.

    I manage to solve it by making a Global Variable, controlling what frame to use.

  • This is what i got.

    Ain't working....

    As soon as i let go of the character, the frame is set back to " 0 " and the player has to buy the skin again.

  • Evening folks,

    So as i'm working on this project of mine, i'm trying to play around with the animations of a sprite.

    My problem seems to be:

    Can't get the game to remember the frame, it always turns the frame back to normal.

    e.g: I want to change the skin of a character. Pressing a button, allows you to change the skin ( im using drag and drop behaviour)

    Whenever the person holds his finger on the character, he's able to drag it around but as soon as he lets go with his finger, the character returns back to starting position.

    The person just spend "e.g" 50 coins, buying this skin. it's sad if the person has to buy the skin again, just because he lets go with his finger.

    Question is: how do i make the animation STAY at last bought skin ?

  • Hello folks.

    Since no one replied on my question on an earlier topic, i decided to create a new topic regarding the same.

    Link to the old topic: viewtopic.php?f=178&t=146266

    My question is the last reply.

    My question was: [quote:16jix75p]Question: Say you wanted to make this mathematic game where the player gets 3 options. Obviously 2 of them are incorrect and only 1 is the correct answer. How would this be possible with your capx Korbaach ??

    e.g this game:

    i want to make one like that.

    Only thing i can't figure out, is how to insert 3 buttons showing 3 different result were only one of them is the correct answer.

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  • Question: Say you wanted to make this mathematic game where the player gets 3 options. Obviously 2 of them are incorrect and only 1 is the correct answer. How would this be possible with your capx Korbaach ??

    e.g this game:

    i want to make one like that.

    Only thing i can't figure out, is how to insert 3 buttons showing 3 different result were only one of them is the correct answer.

  • If you use on touched Anotherline instead of is touching the stacking will be less.

    Adding another condition like system compare Need5Coins.count = 0

    will make sure the text won't be created unless there are no instances of the text, assuming the text has a destroy after fade out.

    Thanks to you LittleStain.

    The Solution is:

  • Hello. i just ran into a problem that i'm pretty sure i've steered myself totally blind on.

    I'm gonna try and explain this problem as good as i can.

    Keep in mind that this game is based on money making / upgrading.

    Whenever you have 5 Coins, you can upgrade to another level.

    With that in mind, IF you don't have 5 Coins, you can't upgrade to another level.

    With that said, my problem occurs.

    This is what i got so far, and which, in my head ( atm ) seems the most obvious.

    To explain further, what's going on, on this picture.

    1) Everytime to touch the "button( Anotherline )" and you have less than 5 coins, the system creates the text at a self chosen location.

    2) When the text is created, it sets the text variable to 1.

    3) When the system detects that the variable of the text is set to 1. the system wait 2 seconds.

    What it needs to do, is simply to display a text ( you need atleast 5 coins to upgrade ) if you don't have 5 coins.

    it does work tho. what i'm trying to do, is to shrink the possibility of "GAME CRASH" due to heavy amount of dublications.

    As of now, the text just stacks up.

    It doesn't go higher than 181 stacks because it has a fade behavior on which destroys it after 2sec.

    I want only to be able to show this text, once it's destroyed again.

    All in all. once the text has disappeared, the text is able to show again, if you have less than 5 Coins.

    BUT, lets say you have 4 Coins, and you click the button.

    the text should appear.

    the text then disappears after 2sec.

    but in the meantime, the player gets another coin and presses the button.

    nothing would happen if i disable the button for 2sec.

    so the button, needs to be enabled at all time.

    ONLY the text, needs to have a timer on min. 2sec.

    I hope this is enough info, and not to confusing.

    also i hope there's someone who has the solution for this

  • Thanks zyblade. You saved me lots of time and also you helped me learning more

  • Which part do you not understand?

    Pretty much everything about it.

    Will give an example on how the touch = mirror looks like.

    How would i apply what he said to that ??

  • Im not quite understanding. Could you explain it more detailed.

    I did try what you said but i can't seem to figure out what you mean exactly.

    (sorry. bear with me)

  • Hello. Im still trying to learn this Construct 2 program. It's going really good so far. Its my second time asking for help making this game. I've done pretty much everything now without help.

    My problem is:

    First off. lemme explain how it's supposed to function.

    I've splitted the screen so that when you press the left side of the screen the character/sprite is supposed to face and move that direction.

    Same goes with the right side of the screen.

    I got the On touch = Mirror to work so that the character / sprite is facing the right way, when pressed.

    I can't seem to figure out the second and final part. How do i make the character / sprite move aswell when the Right/Left side is touched/pressed ??

    Its supposed to work like this:

    When you hold down your finger on the right side of the screen the character / sprite moves smoothly to the pressed / touched side. Same goes with the other side.

    Any ideas how this might be done ? Would be glad to get an example aswell, since im still trying to learn

  • Tried what you said in a couple of ways, and i figured out how to do so.

    If someone else is curious or don't know how to do this, I'll try to explain what i've done to make it work.

    How To:

    First of all you have your player and your stone.

    When the stone comes towards you, you wanna jump over it and get a 1 score.

    What i did was to simply pin aka attach a sprite which i made a long tin line from top to buttom of screen to the enemy so that when the player jumps and collides with this sprite it adds 1 score.

    Thanks for the help and tips AnD4D

    Take Care.

  • Could you give an example on how this would look.

    As mentioned, im new :)

    Bear with me.

  • The thing is. If the player touches the stone, he dies. The player may not at any time collide with the stone(s).

    I need to make this so that when the player is above the stone the player gets 1 score.

    Any idea how this could be done ?