> In all my doubts, no one has responded to me in days, so I get angry ... If you told me that it is a free program you would understand, but not charging money
You pay money to use the software, not to get taught how to use it.
THis forum is fantastic, it is a super helpful place where everyone helps each other out.
The problem is you have insulted, attacked at least 80% of the guys who help out here daily. You give nothing back to the community, you just demand help, month after month for over a year now.
I saw this post, and did like everyone else, I just ignored it.
Tell me who I insulted? First, do not talk without knowing, I have a tutorial translated into my language and obviously I can not help with questions because I am newbie
But you still throwing **** at me ... I will create another nick, only set in that. For the price it costs to license the support would have to be insured have any other programs online helpdesk.
I want the money back