CBelle's Forum Posts

  • Hello guys i need some help here..

    im working for personal project with Grid base game D&D for GM tool's ...

    for each Monster/Hero/Npc i use 1 sprite .. the mostner have i sprite, Hero 1 sprite and nPc 1 spite with alots frames..

    The player can select a M/H/N from difference list to spawn on Grid map.(listMonster, listHero,listNpc)

    (exp MonsterBTN on click - System | Create object MonsterSpawn on layer "objects" at (mouse.x("objects") ,mouse.Y("objects"))

    -MonsterSpawn | set animation frame to listmonster.selecterindex..

    etc etc

    i want to make a personal Stats for each creature in game Monster/Hero/Npc Token.

    Stats: Name , str,Int,Dex, etc etc Hp,LVL, weapon list , spell list , thaco , speed factor and more staff's

    (also at use a Segment ):

    the segment is a number count who creature play first, a Gm roll a d10 dice for each creature in map, the lower play first. If d10 dice + Speed Factor = X number count,(Exp. if Speed Factor is 2 from personal stats on creature and the roll is 6 the creature play 8rd etc etc..Also if creature have same round with another creature,

    the creature with High Dex play first.. both creature play on same Round..

    also at some Creature have a spell book:

    Every spell have Area Effect around the Creature for exp:

    a creature Mage use a Fire ball .. the fire ball have area effect 30 feet , every grid is 3 feet and creaute stay in the midle. So when a mage use spell the area effect spawn around the Token Mage and GM can see where is the max range from spell .. etc etc..and the arrea effect can be change the feet +2 per lvl. if mage is 5 lvl the fire ball now is 40 feet etc etc..

    (my grid is 64x64 token have same size 64x64 = 3feet)

    the Grid is a simple TiledBackground 64x64

    all creature have position: round(mouse.X("Objects")/64)*64 and Y)

    now Where is My Big Question:

    i stuck now in my project cause i need to connect all this staff for persnonal stats together i dont know if:

    1. this project can work with 1 spirte with alots Frame's?? or need to make for evry creature 1 sprite??

    2. need Arrays for grid base and pesronal stats for each creature? or not?

  • you save my day

  • you save my day

  • ok sorry the player can enter a number.. my mistake cause in my game i have alot player's ..so you mean the player who play the game and no the player in game P . sorry i missunderstood what you mean player before

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  • Can you send capx.? No is just a personal dice with out othet player can roll .is GM tool ... I dont want to create 1000 clobal and million event to do this..im looking for a simple way .. For one dice roll is easy between 1-20 when press roll20 iinside textbox show me a floor(random(1,20)) on text.. But if iwant to roll a diference number what we do???

  • yes thats i mean Cherico ... like wow on chat when press : /roll1000 a random generated number between 1 to 1000 be shown.

  • how can i create a textbox that when i press " /roll x " it gives a value from 1 to x.

    this textbox needs to be activated when "/" is pressed and after that i need to be able to type inside that box without clicking on it.

    I need help on those above, even for the 1 of two at least if the other is impossible

    thanks in advance !

  • ty alot..

  • check it..

  • still number count over and over..only if i press X button from textbox the numbers stop counts..hmm..meaby i need to make arrays for work with press enter ?or need to make a button to stop counts??

  • i want ot make simple dice roll text?? when you tape /roll on Textbox and press Enter..Then -- view a random number 1-6 to Text object

    i creat a global text dice = "/rolld6"

    Textbox | Text is dice(case insensitive) | Text | Set text to floor(random(1,6))

    but this not working .he show me a count number run 1-6 over and over

  • You mean, when the first object (in your case the purple one) stops colliding (overlapping) with the other objects, you want the animation of the other objects to stop?

    Here is a way to fade in and out the red squares with the purple sprite...

    apo oti eida eisai kai patriotis

  • nice :0 ty alot you are amazing . can you explain what is this (*dt)

  • how can i set a object when not collision with another object stop animation /Frame or chacnge opacity.. etc etc?

    check the test5.zip and fix it someone and send back when replay .ty

  • ok i got it!!

    mising to import frame on objectframe..

    ty alot this help me alot

    cheers! ")