Cavaron's Forum Posts

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    Hi - I'm new to this, so please be nice First of all - thanks for the plugin! I finally got the achievements to work, but the overlay wont apear when I do "Kiosk-mode" or "browser request fullscreen".

    I disabled letterbox. I added "--in-process-gpu" to the "chromium-args" properties in the "package.json" file and I added a sprite rotating on every tick to trigger a refresh on the current layout.

    I get the achievements in steam, but I don't have the popup saying so. This only appears if not full screen. What am I doing wrong?

    Also - is there any chance to get the steam leaderboard working? Gamers love to compete their highscore globally.

    And if anyone has a clue how to get local storage to steam cloud on a Windows/Linux/Mac nw-port, please tell me (can I set a custom storage folder in construct 2?).

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  • Hi folks,

    I did a little game in english with the bitwise font. Now I tried to add different languages and bitwise doesn't has some of the letters like ä or ñ...

    I noticed that Construct 2 is kind of smart and just displays these letters in a different "fallback font". Sadly that font is totally different to bitwise. I would like to change that fallback font to something that at least comes close to bitwise. How can I do that?

    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi folks,

    I know there is only native support for the Xbox controller, but I wonder if I can get the Steam controller working. What works so far is the presets:

    • moving the cursor with the touchpad
    • clicking with the lower right shoulder button
    • using the stick like the keyboard arrows

    But I couldn't find a tutorial explaining how to handle the buttons from other controllers...


    I found (this may have been obvious to most...) that per definition most of the buttons on the Steam controller are related to a code like the keyboard-buttons. I wrote a small project to put out the code of the button pressed:

    For the Steam controller that is:

    a = 13

    b = 32

    x = 33

    y = 34

    upper left trigger = 17

    upper right trigger = 18

    backward arrow = 9

    forward arrow = 27

    touchpad pressed = 16

    So instead of assigning gamepad buttons, you have to assign keyboard keycode inputs to make the Steam controller buttons work.

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