CaptainOblivious's Forum Posts

  • I agree. It's essentially a glorified tech demo. A cool concept, but I'll stick to having a stand-alone installation, thanks. These baby steps toward viable in-browser applications fascinate me, though.

    I don't know why, maybe they've made it too simple or something, but I'm having a hard time putting any scripting together. Most of the ******** programmers I knew at college always seemed to be as efficient as humanly possible (and got off on competing with peers as who's code was the most), but Popfly seems to have gone in the opposite direction. Like they've convoluted all the simplest concepts with a many metaphors as possible.

    It's not bad for what it is. It's essentially the infantile Web 3.0. It's just not at the level people on this forum would expect of it, is all.

  • Nothing said has been dumb. As you gain experience, you start learning tricks that just sorta "click." That little bit of math that makes the size smoothly transition? Learned that in high school. The "additive value rotation" I learned from Clickteam software (don't know why I didn't mention this method when we had that "change button color" thread). The use of layers to create a composite sprite is brand new, and something I learned offhand from one of Ashley's tutorials.

    When trying to do something outside the bounds of current objects and functions, it's not a 100% creative process. You don't dive in with a box of Wheaties and hope the answers just come to you. Most of your problem solving will likely be in a reverse order, starting with the idea of what you want something to do or look like in the end. Like this: I want a circle object with these features. How can I make the circle? How can I then give it a border? Maintaining that border, how can I animate it using only the math I understand? How can I make it as expandable as possible?

    Once you have your plan, then it's a matter of steps. From the bottom of your list on upward, you build your program until it resembles the thesis at the top of your list.

    This has been a longer reply than I intended. I think I've made my point, so I'll leave you to decide whether or not I'm full of myself.

  • If it's event intensive, that's not saying much. Each and every one of the behaviors (movements, what are they called now?) is surely incredibly complex with laid out event-wise.

    That's why you might consider making this its own event sheet. There is little else more elegant than:

    Include event sheet: "Circle Object Behavior"

  • The animation system is quite limited at this stage, but do you have any further questions in particular about it?

  • That's a useful trick.. And gets around the only major flaw I can see with my implementation. The border goes wonky in the case of complex shapes (think swiss cheese).. But those are not what this was designed for. Force own texture does not, however, allow for especially thick borders.

    I just thought of something. Force own texture with lots of layers might create a nice dynamic toon effect. I will play with this idea later.

  • My bad. I either didn't know or I forgot.

  • One I got the hang of it, I was very pleased with the car physics. Powersliding successfully around a couple corners was thrilling!

    A few things.. Touching a wall should bank the car off the wall at a proper angle instead of causing a bounce (and in this case, a total stop). This behavior frustrated me, as it felt a little cheap. I'm not saying it should be removed entirely, but a glancing blow with a wall should ricochet you away from it as you keep going.

    I could not reproduce the wall glitch you talk about... and trust me, I tried.

    This isn't very far away from being a fully playable game. With a little work and some additions, I think you'd have something really fun.

  • Is there an earlier event triggering the group back on, conflicting? Ya know, like the button color change thread from a few days ago?

  • Would ya kindly re-upload that file? I'm getting what amounts to a 404 at that host.

  • I believe I add enough hints for you to take a decent guess at the year...

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  • Will that work for the time being?

  • Actually, any shape, really.

    File is about 500k.

  • If what you mean is you want to develop graphics on your mac but Construct is Windows-only, I suggest you network the two computers. I do the same thing in my situation. I use my Vista machine for creating graphics, and transfer the files to my XP computer to use them in Construct.

  • PCM is an old-fashion (well, in computer years) way of saying Microsoft WAV format.

  • Yeah man, I just attempted that and could not reproduce it. Could you please give us a .cap file showing the error? It would greatly help use bugfix it.