cantek's Forum Posts

  • Hello guys,

    I am trying to set a straight shooter object which is spinning on its own center. It is a sprite set.

    I set the shoot point on the head site of the object and set it for each sprite image.

    It is shooting but always on the same angle and to the same direction. But I want it to shoot straight ahead from the head to 0 degrees.

    My object rotates by 30 degrees. I set the timer per 4 seconds to shoot. So Icould not find a solution for my problem.

    If anyone can help me out it is highly appretiated.



  • R0J0hound Yes indeed.I hope there will be a debugger which is closer to a real debugger in next release. It is indeed a really important feature to have. I am searching some guidelines to create plugins for C2. Maybe there can be a way to create a plugin for that.

  • Sargas ?

  • fassFlash -> Since I develop softwares for more than 10 years in any language, I bet I know what I ment better than you!

    Debugging the event sheet means I want to set BREAK POINTS AT CERTAIN EVENTS ! Which are in EVENT SHEET.

    I want to walk thgough those events step by step if it is possible.

    Ashley Thank you for your reply. I think I have the latest release. I will look for that button or will update to the new version.


  • Hi Friends,

    I searched for this in the forums but I couldnt find anything useful. Can someone please tell me How Can I debug my eventsheet?

    Thank you


  • Is it possible to make a layer Global ? There are levels in the game and every level is a different layout but using same eventsheet. I think it is still the only solution to use a layout and set the position of the player.

  • I will use the way you suggested.

    Thank you

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  • Hi friends,

    I created a settings layout to deal with sound settings. When ever I click on settings button Settings layout opens and then when ever I click on keep playing button it goes back to the currentlayout that I set as currentlayout global value.

    the problem is -> My Player object is somewhat reseted.

    I couldnt understand the problem. If I set persistent as a behaviour it causes some other problems. If I dont set it then this happens. How Can I Oepn a layout without resetting anything on any other layout and How Can I go back to the previous layout without changing anything on that layout?

    Any help is appretiated. Thank You.

  • Oh Ok , I figured it out. It is about the persist behaviour.

  • Hi Friends,

    I am trying to use checkboxes in my settings layout but somehow I could not totally understand how it works!

    I am checking if checkbox clicked and then checking if it is checked or not and doing my stuff with respect of it. But checkboxes do not stay checked, everytime when I opne the layout even if I checked them before they are unchecked.

    I used set checked and set unchecked methoeds too but it didnt change anything.

    Is there anyone who can explain me how it works?

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    thank you for the advice. I will use the second one. I will change the player position to arrow position first and turn it. Thank you.

  • I still could not solve it. Mid points means centers of them.

    Still it turns when ever it touchs the other object.

    Really there is no one who did something like that before?

  • Hi friends,

    I am trying to redirect the palyer object when it comes over to the arrow object. But it redirects when ever player's bounds are touched to the arrow's bounds. I want to redirect it when the Mid Points are overlaped. So when ever the player object is fully on the arrow object.

    Is there any one who can help me about that?


  • I see, thank you for the description. I did not have the same but at least this looks like something they can improve and fix.

  • I have my own SVN server but this is not the case. Using these kind of revision tools has a totally different logic behind. There are a lot of people around who had this problem at least once. It is not like writing something wrong or doing something wrong. It is something comes with the program itself. I have to protect my project against the program that I used to develope it. This is the weird part.