This is something I've had to tear down to its most basic elements in order to strip out all the fat from my experimental stuff, and I want some help on making this work.
What I'm trying to make is basically:
- Multi-purpose platform engine that can support any number of gameplay styles
- Can support both custom controls and AI control
- Supports multiplayer
How I have it set up so far:
- Two families, "PlayerAI_Platformer" and "Platformer_Skins", to handle both the actual player objects and 'skins' representing actual characters. The former contains general variables that usually apply to most characters.
- Four objects for each player:
-- The "Plat_Stats_General" object, which is the 'base' Player object, storing variables that are more 'universal', such as health, money, etc. This always persists for any given player.
-- The "InputPlayer" object, which is contained in the object above, which handles the input for that specific player with a large set of variables. Is persistent.
-- The "platforming" object, which handles all the platforming for a given character. Contains the relevant character 'skin', and character-specific variables. Can be destroyed to be swapped out for another character.
-- The character 'skin'.
Now, the main problem I'm having right now is that the only way I can get the separate players to respond only to their respective controls is to use 'For Each' loops. Problem is, the loops prevent me from using triggers as sub-events, and believe me, there's a lot of triggers involved in creating a fully-functioning character. But using picking conditions doesn't seem to be nearly enough, unless I'm somehow doing it wrong. Is there a better way I should be going about all this?
*Cap link removed for the time being*