change the fullscreen mode from letterbox to scale inner or outer.
Have a look at this example:!AkmrWgxeuxlKhJsMYNLP7fnpQmgR6A
You need to pick which enemy you want to jump.
As a simple example you can add another condition to your first event after the every x seconds condition.
Add a Pick random instance condition for your enemy2.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You can store the value and the identifier in adjacent cells of an array and then use loop in the function to save them to local storage. This would remove the need to save each individual key string and value from your dictionary.
That's pretty cool. Good job :)
The music will not stop unless you have some events that tell it to. Make sure your event sheet for the second layout doesn't have anything in there that stops the music. Also check that the music is not just finishing if it is only set to single play
You can also set it with math using:
Every Tick -
Set Gun.X to player.X+cos(angle(player.x,player.x,mouse.x,mouse.y))*50
Set Gun.Y to player.Y+sin(angle(player.x,player.x,mouse.x,mouse.y))*50
Set Gun.Angle to angle(player.x,player.x,mouse.x,mouse.y)
Have a look at the notes I left you.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhJlzqDAcfbger_Ju8w
Something like:
On Enter Pressed
SUB If Textinput.text = var_playername - Show warning
SUB Else - Set var_playername to Textinput.text
Have a look at this example for basic pathfinding to avoid the player.!AkmrWgxeuxlKhJkSc_-op8aY-pn92w
on click:
Spawn bullet
Bullet - set angle of motion to angle(gun.x,gun.y,mouse.x,mouse.y)
or if your gun is already always pointing towards the mouse just use the spawn bullet action and the angle of motion is inherited from the gun object.
I've never encountered a size limit
Use the pick nearest condition followed by a pick by evaluate condition that checks for the boolean status. Or other way round.
To continue with the raycasting example see updated link to project file:!AkmrWgxeuxlKhJkPLpVsObFGDvhd6Q
It has moving components and you can update the centre of rotation by clicking anywhere.