caiorosisca's Forum Posts

  • The dashed rectangle represents the window size your game will be played on in case it's not set for fullscreen.

    Click anywhere on a layout, on the properties bar at the bottom there is Project Properties, click 'View' then you can find 'Window Size'.

  • I'm not sure what you are having trouble with, why do you think of arrays? What would you store in it?

  • use a counter to know how long ago that key was released, if the player press it again before a limit time, it is a double press.

    something like

    var timer = 0

    var timerLimit = 0.3(seconds)

    on D key released set timer to timerLimit.

    every tick > subtract dt(deltatime) from timer.

    on D pressed if timer > 0 = seconds press (within limit)


    first press

  • Go to the project properties tab, under Project Settings there is "First Layout", specify it in there.

  • The hits variable must be instance variables of the enemy.

    then you can have an event like

    Bullet on collision with another object(enemy) > Enemy , add to 'Hits' 1

    -(subevent) Enemy.hits >= 2 , Enemy > Destroy

    The collision event already picks the instance that has collided, so if you destroy the enemy inside that event, it will already destroy the right instance.

  • You can also pin all your images to the box and add the drag and drop behaviour to the box.

  • Check the capx.

    In your project change int(TextBox.Text) to your current number of lives left.

  • There's no way to be sure whats happening, it shouldn't be a problem with global variabels unless you reset them.

    Can you share a capx?

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  • After spawning the objects, check if their overlapping and if so randomize position again, it works if you have a small number of objects and alot of space to position them. Otherwise it will get stuck in that loop trying to reposition the objects forever, because it can't find a position that doesn't overlap.

  • create 4 variables oldX, oldY, xVel and yVel.

    everytick set xVel to abs(Touch.X - oldX), yVel to abs(Touch.Y - oldY), oldX to Touch.X and oldY to Touch.Y.

    In that specific order.

  • Where can I get the platform+ behaviour?

    Edit: I've played the game and it is pretty good, awesome art as well.

  • Not sure what you are trying to achieve here, can you share am image? I don't think you can do that in runtime, can't you copy the part you want and create a new sprite that you will use later on?

  • If you really need all those sprites there,s not much you can do, it takes some time to load them all. You can try using less/smaller sprites.

    Another way to solve it is to load the images in run time, using the load image from URL action then creating the sprites from this images, so you don't have to preload them.

  • When setting local key 'TotalScore', set it to currentScore (the one without adding previous total score) + WebStorage.LocalValue("TotalScore"). This way you will just add the new score to the previously saved one.