caiorosisca's Forum Posts

  • I did, exporting with xdk game only showed first layout, but couldn't have any interaction with it. I'll try via Crosswalk again, I was only getting a blank screen when I tried it. Thanks.

  • I found out that I can get how long an audio has playing for with Audio.playbackTime, but how can I play an audio from that time?

    Like a pause, I need to save this playbackTime and than later play the sound from there, is it possible?

  • I was using cocoonJs to export my android games, but lately I'm having problems with it. For iOS I tried Ejecta and it does the job pretty well, but I'm still stuck with the android platform. Which way are you guys going? Also is there any tutorials on how to export using your chosen way?

    I've also came across this: , has anyone tried Ejecta for android?

  • If you don't want to reset variables think like this, your key will be "totalDeathsEver" for this example. The value to save on it(your variable) will be playerDeaths.

    When starting the game, first thing to do is to check if there's already a totalDeathsEver key saved. If there isn't you can create it, in case it DOES exist, you set playerDeaths to iqual the value of that key.

    Theres no problem using your logic "set local key 'destroy' to WebStorage.LocalValue("destroy")+1" long as you don't reset it

  • It's being called every frame(tick), add another event to your conditions, "Trigger once"

  • To save the global vars to an array you can set the value for each index in the array, like that:

    Array.SetValue at X (0) = var1;

    Array.SetValue at X (1) = var 2;


    WebStorage only save strings(text), so you can do something like that:

    for(0 , array.length-1)

    Webstorage.SetKey > "key"+loopindex > array[loopindex] //I'm not sure what's the correct action..use the one for saving..I'm on a mac now, can't check it.

  • If You are using the Scroll To behaviour for the camera to follow your character you can just disable it.

    From the manual:

    "Set enabled

    Enable or disable the behavior. When disabled, the scrolling will not be affected."

    Character> on destroyed> disable scroll to behaviour

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  • Can't help you now, Just posting here so I can keep track of this topic.

  • You just need to create a sprite whenever the check for the answer is correct.

    Modified capx attached, that is just to show you when to create it. Remember to deleted when not needed anymore.

  • I haven't tried multiplayer at all. And I don't know how C2 handles MP data. I'm pretty sure you can send data to the server and retrieve it. So a variable with info about the layout you're in should do the trick.

    Imagine something like, on start of layout you set myCurrentLayout to whatever layout you're in. Once a peer receive that value you check it, if layout1, you spawn the icon at point1, if layout2 spawn it at point2 and so on.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by 'contains value', is it any value or a set of specific ones?

    In case you know what the values are you can do something like this for the check.

    if array.curX = value1 OR array.curX = value2..

    or even have all the value in a 2nd array and run a a for, and check if array1.curX = array2.curX

    By unassigned array slot do you mean the 1st one witha 0 value?

  • If you are talking about the grey line right below the orange part. It's probably a problem with your image, try deleting the top part of it

  • Search for the Chrome Console plugin.

  • You can add all your 6 sprites into a Family.

    Then use Family is overlaping 'spriteHolder' (sprite holder being the invisible sprites)

  • You can add platform behaviour to your char, add a boolean variable to it as well (direction for example).

    Then on your event sheet add the following

    Every tick>

    |_> Player.direction = 0 > Player> Platform simulate control> pressing right

    |_> Player.direction = 1 > Player> Platform simulate control> pressing left

    On any touch> Player > Toggle direction (toggle boolean action)