BTGames's Forum Posts

  • When you double click on your sprite look to the left, and you will

    see animation speed and looping options.

    P.S. Also check out the manual it is very handy!

  • Velojet

    Dude you are brillant just reading this post and getting my hands dirty

    with this plugin. Look foward to future updates!

  • Just wondering if anyone has played with the new websocket plugin?

    Does it work out the box or do i need a backend to use it?

    Sorry for noob questions and thanks for replies in advance.

    P.S. I have searched the forums but found nothing

  • A tutorial would be great plz!!

  • Hi all i have a game i have been working on. Want to put it on kongregate

    and sell in game items, I was wondering is it possible with Construct?

    If so is there a plugin I need or can it be done with javascript?

  • Thanks Jailson thats a great start!!

  • Hi all and thanks in advance!!

    I have a idea for a game that involves a semi, But I can't seem to get the

    trailer to pivot as the truck drives. I've tried physics joints with no

    luck. Anyway here's the Truck.CAPX

    P.S. Use arrow keys to move.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Might be a stupid question but was just wondering can i use smartfox

    server with construct 2. Was just wanting to use chat with the game im developing, but multiplayer would be nice. thanks for all answers!!

  • Please send the CAPX, but a maybe you forgot to activate LOOP? (Rightclick on your sprite -> edit animations -> in the menu on the left on the top there is "LOOP")

    Where is this option? This i don't see.

  • Never mind answered my own question it is text not textbox.

  • I was doin beginners tutorial and when i added text box i couldnt find

    font, size, colour in the properties panel. Can someone please guide me

    to where i could find this. Thanks in advance!!

  • Ok I searched forum I may be ahead of myself, but can you create multiplayer games? if so what is the plugin or api to use?

  • Just getting started with this software and was just wondering are there any help documents for this software. i have searched the whole site and have found nothing!! thanks for all help!