brockatkinson's Forum Posts

  • It has to loop through until sprite's opacity is zero. Make the mouseclick turn on some variable, and then have that variable be a condition for the sprite to lose its opacity.

  • I know it's not a direct answer of the question, but you can just use instance variables 'goToLevel' on each, and have it:

    Touch | On touched subLevelBoard

    subLevelBoard | if goToLevel = 0 -> System | Go to Level01a

    subLevelBoard | if goToLevel = 1 -> System | Go to Level01

    subLevelBoard | if goToLevel = 2 -> System | Go to Level02


  • I'm not sure there should be other people working for Scirra. Here is an excerpt from the Tao of Programming:

    A manager went to the master programmer and showed him the requirements document for a new application. The manager asked the master: "How long will it take to design this system if I assign five programmers to it?"

    "It will take one year," said the master promptly.

    "But we need this system immediately or even sooner! How long will it take if I assign ten programmers to it?"

    The master programmer frowned. "In that case, it will take two years."

    "And what if I assign a hundred programmers to it?"

    The master programmer shrugged. "Then the design will never be completed," he said.

  • It's actually really simple:

    System | For each enemy

    enemy | is on-screen

    System | Every [random (2, 5)] seconds -> enemy | spawn bullet on layer 1

  • "What about way to group objects in folder so I can move them, rotate together as one"

    This is what Families or the Pick All function are for.

    However, I would really love to be able to have families of families, or families that have different objects in them (like sprite + particles + texts), only to change the base values of each of the objects (set visible, set opacity, set position etc).

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  • Yes. Use the Pick nth Instance under the Systems option.

    So, it'd be:

    System | Pick Rotator instance 0

    Pin rotatingBallThings to Rotator

    System | Pick Rotator instance 1

    Pin otherRotatingBallThings to Rotator

  • This, in terms of maths, is called clamping. I checked in the math library that construct has, but there was no clamp function. So I made one quickly out of events.

    Here is a capx

    Here is the demo.

    That being said, this could be a very simple modification of the DragDrop Behaviour.

  • I tried to do this some time ago, and let me just say that it was a pretty brutal piece of work to get going nicely. I couldn't find a good algorithm, so I simply had to make a series of conditions that would snap to a particular scale rate. Then I made it slowly fade from one to the other so it wasn't so jarring.

    I hope someone's able to figure it out. For science.

  • I've made this more like the original doodleJump game (wrap around sides, auto-jump).


  • Wanna post your capx, or PM it to me and I'll fix it up? The job should only take a minute--it'd be longer to explain it than to actually fix it myself, and for you to see how it was done.

  • I'm also getting a black screen in my projects. For anyone that got it to work, could you post the capx that worked? I can't seem to find what works and what doesn't.

  • Have the ability for the user to change, in an options page. That's, really, the best way to satisfy everyone.

  • Alright, I fixed it. It was ridiculously simple. But I'll post this up in case anyone else is having troubles.

    My particles were set to a Layer that had a Scale Rate to 0, as well as the Parallax scrolling to 0, 0. Moving it to a layer that had its scale rate to 100, and parallax to 100, 100, fixed the problem.

    So, if ever something is not working, check its scale rate & parallax scroll variables.

  • I know this seems like an incredibly simple task to do, but I have some particles that I'd like to follow the cursor. When full-screen is off, it's incredibly easy to set the position of the particles to X= Mouse.X and Y= Mouse.Y, but when in full-screen scale (and even crop) is on, then the particles are offset, depending on the size of the browser window itself.

    Is there a calculation that can be used to detect the exact position of the mouse when in full-screen mode?

    I'm kind of hoping that it's actually not something ridiculously simple.

  • I highly doubt that twitter will end up making an arcade. It goes so far against what twitter's all about. Twitter doesn't want to be a platform that does everything--they simply want to become the de facto short-form message standard for the world.

    That being said, I would like to request a twitter plugin, much like the facebook plugin. I also don't think there needs to be a specific 'google+ exporter', as it should be able to simply use the technology that we already have.

    The Ubuntu store is not for html5, although you could probably create a wrapper fairly easily.