Basically. When the player attacks using melee or a bullet it works just as desired. I also added that wait 0.1 as a test, and removed it after uploading the screenshots.
So, with a melee attack, the first attack makes the enemy flash, while playing the "TakingDamage" animation. Then moves back into "Walking" state, or the "Attack" state if the Player is within a set range. Then on the second attack, the enemy fades while playing the "Death" animation(as health reaches 0). Then gets destroyed at the end of the fade behavior(in the behavior preferences). Just like it shows in the EnemyDamage function in the screenshot.
But.. When I perform the slide attack as in the second screenshot. Where it shows PlayerBox on collision with PlatformEnemy in either "JetpackSliding" or "Sliding" PlayerState. It does everything except play the proper animations. So the first hit with a slide attack. The enemy flashes, loses one health, while moving back into Walking or Attacking animation instantly. On the second hit, the enemy fades while moving back into the Walking state(which are the enemies default state). If player is within range they will go back into Attack state. The Walking, and Attack states are called depending on the distance to the player, and LoS.
So everything is working as it should. Except the "TakingDamage" animation for that state on the first hit of a slide attack, and the "Death" animation for Death state on the second hit of a slide attack do not play their related animations. They flash, lose health, fade, and destroy at the end of the fade. But, do not play the animations that corelate to their HP values, and the state the function puts them into. But, they do play the animations perfectly fine if hit with the Melee Attack HitBox, or a Bullet object.
It's really strange to me, because I am using the exact same function. And, as you can see in the second screenshot. I am calling the function the exact same way regardless if it is the Melee Attack, or the Sliding Attack. Animations work just fine for the Melee Attack(and a bullet as mentioned, but not in screenshots), but not for the Sliding Attack, or one other attack. And, I'm calling them in the exact same way. Works for one, but not the other.
I'm not sure how else to explain it.