Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • Never mind - I created the graphic 25% smaller then resized it to 400% in the editor.

  • I have a sprite that is a starburst effect.

    In the 2160 x 3840 screen it's vertically centred horizontally and 3/4 the way down the screen vertically.

    The sprite extends way past the edges of the screen as its 7470 x 7470 as I want it to rotate around its centre point so the whole starburst graphic needs to be intact.

    However when I preview the project it throws up an error saying the maximum graphic size is 2048 x 2048.

    How can I get it so the graphic appears?

    Thanks all :)

  • Is there a way to create natural gradients in Construct.

    Or is there a way to have one colour fade into another colour. For example if the background layer started off red but as the game progresses it fades into a blue or yellow etc?

    Thanks all :)

  • I have a sprite with 5 frames (0,1,2,3,4)

    I've dropped the sprite onto the canvas 4 times so there are four UIDs (13, 14, 15, 16).

    Ignoring the first frame (0) for ease of explanation, on start of layout I want each of the 4 UIDs to display a different frame of animation (either 1, 2, 3 or 4) but I don't want any of them to display the same frame at the same time. Make sense?

    I've currently got:


    Sprite > Pick instance with UID 13 > Sprite > set animation frame to choose(1,2,3,4)


    So that covers the first instance choosing a random frame.

    I then need UID 14 to choose a random frame from what frames are left, then 15 to choose a random frame and 16 to show the last remaining frame.

    Any idea on how to go about this?

    Thanks all :)

  • *bump*

    Anyone help with this?

  • I'm not sure what the issue is/was but I found a similar issue being discussed online and the workaround is to do the following:

    In Xcode, goto: file > workspace settings > under Build System select Legacy Build System > then Archive as usual.

    This fixes the issue, but I'm not sure why the issue arose in the first place.

  • I'm getting the following error when I Archive my project in Xcode for distribution in the App Store:

    App Store Connect Operation Error

    ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."

    I don't know what the issue is, but it states it's something to do with the package ID or Provisioning Profiles. However the package ID is correct and has not changed and the Provisioning Profile (Distribution) exists.

    I'm not creating a new app, but am updating an existing one and have managed to update it previously without this error.

    When I archive it, the review pop-up shows the following:


    Team: my name

    Certificate: iOS Distribution (Expires 13/11/2018)

    Profile: None

    Symbols: Included

    Architectures: armv7 and arm64

    So it looks like the provisioning profile isn't matching up for some reason.

    Ashley - any idea with this?

    Thanks all :)

  • With my Admob account, I get ePCM anywhere between $0.02 and $11.00+ and it fluctuates wildley day by day.

    Am I right in thinking ad mediation delivers only the highest paying ads available at that particular time? How do I go about implementing this? Do I need to sign up with ad networks other than Admob or do I simply activate it in Admob and they take care of the rest?

    Is it even possible to implement ad mediation with the current Mobile Advert plugin? Has anyone managed to do it so far?

  • I was at a family party last night and I got to see how people interact with my game out in the wild as my aunties and uncles downloaded it and started competing against each other.

    One thing I did notice is that the Android ‘back’ button doesn’t work and many of them couldn’t quit out of the game. Is this functionality that can be implemented in the event sheets?

    Also, one android phone had the ‘back’ and ‘home’ buttons appear on the screen at the bottom when you swipe up at the bottom of the screen. This made the buttons appear over the banner adverts and it took a couple of clicks on the buttons to make them work, other times we were clicking on the adverts.

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  • I need an 8bit or 16bit type of fanfare for the title screen of my game - something about 1 or 2 seconds maximum. Anyone know of any resource sites that have royalty free 8bit/16bit sound resources?

    Thanks all :)

  • So what does this mean? Can we/can’t we add ad mediation?

    If not, how do we go about go about getting it so we can?

  • I sometimes have this problem when I’m using Construct in Chrome. Try emptying your browser cache etc, restart Construct and try exporting again.

  • How can you find out where you app traffic is coming from? Is there some sort of analytics you can add to your app?

    Thanks all :)

  • Yeah it’s all good - I thought I’d mucked it all up as nothing updated straight away but it turns out it just takes a couple of hours to roll out across the network before it becomes available. I’ve updated a couple of times now. 👍

  • Can any explain in terms only an idiot would understand how I update my app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store? I've made a couple of little updates and want to roll them out.

    On the Google Play Store I've done the following: I added a new APK with the same bundle ID but a different version number and added that to the Release Management panel - it says that APK has been added and the previous APK is deactivated and the Roll Out History is set to Full Roll Out. So does this mean the previous APK will now be updated with the the new APK? Does it happen instantly or does it take a while?

    I've yet to update an app on the Apple Store - when I log into App Store Connect and select the app I can't see how I add an updated version. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Cheers all :)