boolean's Forum Posts

  • Anyone have any ideas? This will be the one and only bump I'll do on this.

  • No idea what you mean by "that word" slowly losing all meaning.

    Oh I meant the word "Suggestion". I had written it out so many times while writing the post it just started sounding like a jumble of letters <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    As for the feedback, that sounds fair enough. I was just throwing the idea out to see what you guys thought. I guess I was really liking how helpfull something like this was and thought it would be handy to have here.

    Who knows, maybe we don't need a whole forum dedicated to it, just a sticky similar to the one linked above. No idea who would have time do it though <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle">

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  • Bah, I think I found what it was. Construct simply wasn't regenerating the XML file. Turns out, after duplicating layouts, you have be sure to save the project before you run it so it can recreate the XML. All other changes seem to be able to run directly without saving first. I think the whole array thing was just a red herring.


    Sorry Ashley, I was sure this was a bug...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I'm not sure how to upload a demo of this, so I'll do my best to explain.

    1) Create a new project

    2) Add a sprite and an array to the layout

    3) Duplicate the layout.

    If you now compare the two layout XML files you will notice that the sprite was copied fine, but the array is missing in the '<nonworld-instances>' section.

    Side bug: If you have two pre-existing layouts and you add an array to your game, it is only added to the layout tab you have open (so you can have both layers open, but only the active one will get the array).

    If I manually copy the array XML to my new layer everything works fine.

  • I've noticed a few times people have posted really good 'my list of suggestions' threads in places like the 'general' or 'how do I' board, but have been lost in the traffic. It's a shame because there are some really good ideas in them. There's a few little things I'd like to recommend too.

    It would also be useful for finding items that Ashley has already added to his TODO list. I made a post last night asking about a certain feature only to find out later the suggestion had already been made. Having a 'Added TODO' sub-forum similar to the bugs 'closed' sub-forum might cut down on the amount of messages Ashley has to respond to.

    To go one step further, moving threads to one of three sub-forums might be handy - One for 'Will add', one for 'considering' and 'Cannot/Will not add'. It would be very easy for forum users to find and link back to those threads when new people arrive on the forums. I feel like it would organize the community a bit more.

    Has a suggestion forum been suggested before? Also, that word is slowly losing all meaning...

  • Also if you just want to overwrite your local file to get the latest version, you can use the 'revert' option. It's good for when you want to basically scrub anything local to your file and get the latest version from the SVN.

  • You're right, sorry about the terminology.

    If objects are available anywhere, that's great. It's a little strange to not have global layers though, especially if you have a high number of them and 50+ levels. Anywho, if that's how it is, that's how it is.


    • edit - Just found an old thread saying 'Inheritance Layer' was a feature in CC. Looks like as of 31 Mar 2012, Ashley added it to his TODO list.
  • 1) The event sheet isn't so much an issue as the layers and sprites in the layout sheet.

    2) So if I include one 'bullet' onto my dumpster layer, construct wont complain that no instances of that sprite exist? If I'm understanding correctly that sounds very handy. Does this work the same for layers?

  • Hi all

    I'm starting to build out the levels in my game and I'm a little confused about the Layout sheets.

    I've been working on one sheet this whole time which contains ~15 sprites on the page (outside the layout so at least one version of the object exists) and about 10 layers (mostly for menus).

    I went to create a new level and it occurred to me that all those objects and layers now only apply to that single layout. I have code that references layers by name so I would need to setup my layers in the new level exactly the same as the first, along with ensuring all sprites are included. Now while I could copy+paste my first level and use that as a base, if I ever add/remove a layer/sprite I'd need to do that action across all levels.

    Am I misunderstanding how layouts work? If each level is a Layout sheet, how do you manage layers and base sprites across all levels? Is there a way I can inherit a layout like an event sheet?


  • What part exactly are you having trouble with? The zooming? The bullet physics? Wind? Enemy AI? You might need to narrow down the scope (HA!) of your question.

  • Hi all

    I have a problem in my game trying to do a foreach loop on some created objects. I'm not 100% sure it's the same problem, but I'm wondering if it's related too this breaking change.

    Screenshot from R104. Also tested in R105.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Weirdly I had some similar code in my game that worked, but broke in R105. From the test above it should never have worked in the first place! Was there any changes related to the R100 breaking change that was made more strict in R105? Is it just luck that I had code similar to above that worked in R104 and broke in R105?


  • Awesome, thanks Ashley!

  • I tried a few more times and it seems after 'undo' is disabled (per your post), delete "globalVariableA" from the condition you just pasted it into and then try pasting both in again. That seems to enable the undo button and starts duplicating actions rather than rolling back.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • Looks like the URL changed to:

    And damn these are some nice effects!

  • Thanks R0J0hound, that does work. Good old lerp :)

    I'm not sure how I would go about applying this to everything on screen. It works well when you just have one or two items, but gets complex fast when you try to speed everything up. Unless there is a scalable way of doing this I might just have to put this feature on hold.

    It appears that some libraries like Box2D already take continuous collision into account (I assumed this was why the bullet behaviour was working because it implemented this), so it would be nice if this could be added to C2 Ashley if you are listening *bats eyelids*