blurymind's Forum Posts

  • Prominent can you share the example file? Thank you very much!

  • Try Construct 3

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    it's not a bad engine. But


    1. Works well on linux via wine

    2. built in plugin manager that makes it easy to update and install plugins/new functionality


    1. Really bad at code reusal - making its level editor crap

    2. You have to buy more exporters - which are expensive

    3. Very rarely updated

  • olixis looking forward to it

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    if you want your game to look like a generic game made with buildbox - then use the out of the box crap they have on offer. You literally can make 3-4 types of games with that thing.

    Its almost the same as opening a premade demo template in construct and not being able to edit the logic - only change parameters and graphics.

    With construct2 you have the freedom to DESIGN the game yourself.

    If you care even a little bit about actual game design - then it would be obvious to you why its not worth even wasting time on it. If something has a high price on its license - that doesnt make it better. I have no idea what they are smoking - they should be offering it for free. Only an idiot would buy it and expect to make an original game. Its super limited.

  • This is fantastic! Thank you for looking into this! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    The editor is very user friendly and quite nice.

    You can get the indie license by going to this page: ... 1458679226

    right click>translate to english and fill in your email.

    The indie license lets you use their software without limitation on games that make up to 100 000 $ per year.

    The pro license is 600$, but you only need it if you make more than that on the game.

  • blurymind

    I didn't write the three.js animation export/import, only the code which links it to Q3Ds various systems, and some modifications to the way skeletal animations are loaded. The exporter/importer code is open source and wasn't made by me, but I've done what I can, and have gotten it working with . A lot of animation features that you can use in blender wont export / are missing, and you'll need to figure out what does/doesn't work. Make sure you use the r69 exporter, from the source package in this link ( If you want a working example of animated models try/look at the files in examples/models/skinned, these load properly. the marine_anims.js file has a few animations. I was unaware of the underscore causing issues with morph anims, I'm not entirely sure why its messing things up but ill investigate.

    for the 2D/3D projection thing, there's no built-in method to get the view-space coordinates or projection matrix. Generally that's supposed to be what you use Q3D sprite for.

    If you know javascript/sdk you can modify Q3D easily enough to give you what you need, just look at the tick2 function for Q3D bone where the debug text is displayed and you can add some new expressions that use a similar process. I'll look into adding it for the final update i'll do, but no word on how long that'll be.

    Q3D isn't going to be undergoing any updates for a long time though, it's already grown way larger than I had intended it to when i made it 2+ years ago. There's a build I've yet to release that moves to a slightly newer version of three.js and fixes some bugs but that's incomplete, and after that there wont really be any more updates. It was never meant to be a full-blown game engine with all the features and UX of something like Unity, and frankly it can't become much better because of the edit-time SDK limitations of construct 2. Originally it was just meant as a simple way of getting 3D graphics to display with WebGL in a construct 2 project, and now it's got features like physics, collision checking, animation etc which I literally spent a whole year and a half researching/optimizing/refactoring. There isn't much more I can do to improve it which is worth my time, You shouldn't be using Q3D for a large scale 3D game where an engine like unity would be much better suited and have improved workflow, you should use it if you need some 3D touches to your C2 game, or want to make a simple 3D game like the tiny tank demo.

    Thats the thing though - without being able to have objects from q3d collide with objects from c2- you are quite limited as the two engines cant communicate fully. The q3d sprite has no collisions. Sounds like a basic thing that anyone can do by editing your java files- but i dot have the knowledge of your api or java experience.

    I wanted to use 3d graphics for my 2d rhytm game, and this pretty much killed it. You cant even get the 2d coordinate of a 3d object

  • Joannesalfa ... s2d-x/wiki

    if you use google chrome/chromium, just right click on the page and select "translate to English"

    In less than a second you will be able to read it :/

  • All in chinese D:

    japanese.. sadly. Their website and the actual software has an english version, but not the git

  • guys, this is FREE for indie devs and has skin deformations- which spriter does not have.

    Yet no plugin, so we cant use it with c2.

    Same for dragonbones.

    It seems like all the free options out there are not available to c2 users yet

  • ah i see. It just seems very strange that it acts as if it has gravity rather than decelerating.

    And that it only works as expected if the particles are killed when they stop.

    Is there perhaps a plugin that adds the functionality i am after?

  • OPTPiX SpriteStudio, a 2D Sprite Animation Data Creation Tool, reduces the time to create sprite animation data and significantly improves production efficiency.

    With OPTPiX SpriteStudio, designers can create sprite animation data independently. Also, the "universal" data can be used in various game engines.

    Indie version of this software is free, without limitations.

    follow these steps:

    1. register on this page (use google translate):


    2. check e-mail for your indie licence number

    3. download software from here:


    4. install SpriteStudio / paste your licence

    5. done

    Now all we need is a plugin for c2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Btw the software can already export to html5, so it might not be so hard to make one.

    You can get the indie license by going to this page: ... 1458679226

    right click>translate to english and fill in your email.

    The indie license lets you use their software without limitation on games that make up to 100 000 $ per year.

    The pro license is 600$, but you only need it if you make more than that on the game.

  • Ashley I can appreciate your point, but in this case you can simply make the behavior work as you intended - on a negative acceleration (deceleration) with time scale and zero gravity, it should not start moving in the opposite direction when reaching 0 speed. It should stop to a halt and stop being active until timescale kills it. It is currently adding gravity and there is no advantage of having it go in the opposite direction

    So no need to add a new gui element- simply fix the behavior's bug.

    then we will have the feature and at the cost of no extra input box

  • Ashley - i want to keep them for a while when they stop. Then after x seconds pass (timescale), destroy them or freeze them (they cant be interacted with and are no longer active in order to save cpu).

    is that possible to do? If not - it would be very useful to have it. Keeping the particles present adds to the game feel. The player knows that way that they left a mark of something happening to the place. Particle permanence!

  • Just use zero gravity and a negative acceleration.

    I already tried that. When I use zero gravity with negative deceleration and set the particles to a high time scale- instead of decelerating to a halt, they start moving in the opposite direction after reaching their peak- as if there is gravity.

    Ashley just try doing it and you will see - this might be a bug in the latest stable version- if you didnt intend it to be that way. Can you share an example where they stop and stay alive until their timescale runs out?