bladesquad's Forum Posts

  • Yes kokocipher, i worked for Dofus2 on characters, monsters and npc, and their animations.

  • chadnon, as a professional artist i can say it's an interresting idea but i have some questions : what's your role on that team? are you a pro or amateur ? have you already got some experriences on this domain?

    also, i think the team name is not more important than the team members itself so u must have the complete members to finally get an idea all together about the team name, identity, and especially the project plan and the role of everyone on it.

    the artist director idea is also an important side on the game developement, and the same thing about the technical director (this is in the case it's about a big team)

    but maybe for now u just need a good developper, a good artist and a game designer.

    let us know about what (You) can bring for this team and then we see ^^

    Good Luck! :)

  • it seem to be an escape game, i like that kind of games but is that work paid or for free?

    i'm interrested if this could be paied.

    im an artist pro if need u can send me an mp

  • a link to your game example could helps for your request.

  • email sent

  • , you are right, i'm migrating from flash to html5 so i think to remake my website for an easy and better system of navigation.

  • did you try now? i think i fixed that

  • hi randomexile, could you please add my website and blog ?

    i'm professional games artist/animator, in freelance and ready for serious purposition of casual games (multiplayer casual type in preference)


  • hi helladen, im pro artist and games animator but im interrested on casual mini games that doesn't take much time in developement, and especially the multiplayer type, if you are interrested in same thing then maybe we can make a deal together.

    my website and blog :

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  • Oh ! thank's Cherico that's exactly what i was looking for, and btw, her's what i wanted to do :

    and thank's again i'll try with this version. :)

    ps: you have to select "climb" and then, select one of the characters, he will move allover the walls to activate the door :)

    just got another issue is that sometimes it select two chars instead of one. im actually trying to fix it, in case u have an idea.

  • not yet, but yes, it could be good idea, i'll try something with it.. thank's :)

  • Hi all, i have a question about physic behaviour,

    i want to know how can i create an object that i can hook on another object ?

    i tried with revolute joint but it doesn't seem to work.

    the example i can give is in

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • great dude! thank's it helps a lot <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi, i'm working on a game by starting to make AI players who can walk allover the platform even on wall or roof by using left or right simulation.

    i made a picture explaining what i'm looking for. <img src="" border="0" />

    thank's for advance.

  • Hi, i have an issue with my AI player, i made bullet behaviour for the gravity and 2 behaviour 8 directions that 1 for left and right and the other up and down, and toggle between them in case the player can change the gravity angle.

    normally the player change direction whenever he overlays a wall, but in my case he only stop or go throught the wall after overlay.

    could anyone help me how can it go in left when he overlays wall?


    PS. here is the capx :