First, you can't bury your fade inside the touch. That code is executed just once on the tap. Don't mix the layer names and numbers. That might be another problem.
C2 is already a giant While loop, So you don't need while at all. get rid of it and add an Else to the event for the NOT case.
You have to decrease the opacity value over time. How are you doing that? Typically done Every tick until you reach 0.
You'd have to do them yourself, at that size.
This thread is out of date. C2 exports the correct external plugin, and you just need to call:
Browser -> Execute Javascript = "StatusBar.hide();"
There are various threads on this.
You need to convert from your Player layer to the Canvas, then from the Canvas to the BG layer.
C2 always runs in order. It's Wait that runs things out of order. You should be fine.
You should always set your groups activation on startup.
You need to reset things on Start of layout. Groups hold their state by design. Reset your bullets also.
You are assuming you know the number that C2 actually uses for G. Doing an experiment to reverse engineer the number, comes up with a factor of 4.7 for your simulation. Also, your starting coordinate is not 470, the center of the sprite is 459, so that is your distance reference.
Ashley has written several blogs on exporting to Raspberry Pi.
The first sprite is alway a template for all others. If you deleted that sprite from the layout itself, you'll find C2 can't create any more sprites. It always needs one placed in some layout somewhere with the default settings. The common trick is to delete all default sprites in your layout and create new ones. The alternative is to place that one sprite in a utility layout that is never actually displayed. It's just one of the things you have to accept and deal with.
Are they on different layers with different parallax values?
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Do you have more than one playerDB object? I tried a similar example, that worked for one dictionary, but if I create a second, the tokenat code shows blanks. If I add a Foreach palyerDB above the For each key, it then works.