blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Gigatron , sorry, I actually did start effect conversion, but I have outstanding issues still. However, if you add -effect to the command-line it will convert effects. Should save some time in the future, even if not complete.

  • So the drawing migration went fairly smoothly. I still have outstanding effects issues, if I could direct you to this thread, the issue is still there. It's unclear if this is a migration issue, or a bug, so I haven't posted an official bug report.


  • I don't interpret the code, I pretty much go line by line, and it matches Scirra templates, then that's what gets migrated. If the source varies too much from the sample templates, things will fail.

    It's easiest just to tweak the source (or a copy of the source) and try again. I already make three passes though the source to clean it up, but I have to stop somewhere.

  • There are some samples on the C2 thread. Also:

    Many of my own projects use Paster, so I had various test projects. I don't have a actual C3 example. You can import a CAPX though.

  • This is the converted Paster plugin from R0J0hound:

    R0J0hound has claimed he won't be maintaining Paster any more, so I have done the conversion. I can't make any guarantees that it works 100%, and can't pledge to continue to support it, but it I'll do what I can.

    Update: 2018-01-23: fixed rotation in editor.

    Just remove the ".zip" and it becomes an addon.

    If there are issues, please provide a small C2 capx, so I can compare the running C2 code to the C3 code.

    Update: only works with Construct 2 runtime option.

  • v1.0.0.12 available.

    Note: I'll be posting a conversion of "Paster" shortly.

  • I should have a 'drawing' compatible converter very soon. Just testing now.

  • Having issues again. I've been using "Add Dev Addon" for for a while, but in my attempts to work on drawing-addons, I hit a caching issue, so decided to clear the cache so I could refresh the runtime. As soon as I did that, I lost the ability to use developer mode. "Add Dev Addon" always fails now: "Unable to load the addon JSON..." I am using exactly the same address as before. I've cleared repeatedly. Rebooted. Nothing I do works now.


    Error loading addon JSON: TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

    at d.!vcY (main.js:73)

    at <anonymous>

    !G.!EA.then.then.catch main.js:154

    Promise rejected (async)

    o.!Dy.then main.js:154

    Promise resolved (async)

    !ssA main.js:154

    !ssk.onclick main.js:154

  • Timer is a behaviour. It's there.

  • The problem is that by the time the wait ends, the function has already returned and the Params are gone. Use a Timer instead - you have complete control.

  • Note: link-text needs to be added to ... guage-file

  • I can't figure out the color format:

    new SDK.PluginProperty("color", "background-color", {initialValue:[1,0,1]}),

    new SDK.PluginProperty("color", "background-color", {initialValue:"[1,0,1]"}),

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ashley, can you provide some help on migrating ept_link and ept_color from C2 to C3 format.

    I'm guessing color can be handled by a link now, but it's not clear how to migrate links.

    Some of the samples I've seen are:

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Image", lang("project\\misc\\tiledbg-edit-link"), "Click to edit the object's image.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Sprite font", "Edit", "Click to edit the object's spritefont.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Image", "Edit", "Click to edit the object's image.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Animations", lang("project\\misc\\sprite-edit-link"), "Click to edit the object's animations.", "firstonly"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Size", lang("project\\misc\\sprite-make11-link"), "Click to set the object to the same size as its image.", "worldundo"),

    new cr.Property(ept_link, "Sprite font", "Edit", "Click to edit the object's spritefont.", "firstonly"),


  • Official plugins are native - they aren't actually plugins anymore. I was the one who asked a while back.