blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Happy to help.

  • Arima, California, Paradox

    v1.9 released.

    czar I had no problem with the Terminator font, or Cambria. Forward me any errors you can capture.

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  • Kessler1_BHT.capx

    Just replace all the constants with instance variables and set them differently.

    Edit: fixed 360 wrap-around


  • BoardGame_BHT_2.capx

    The main problem was that 'generating=0' (event 16) keeps setting GameState to 1. Make sure your state changes only fire once.

  • a) You haven't set up the HomeZone values on all of the objects. NodePatrols are 1, Enemy is -1, and NodeZone is 0. They need to match.

    b) You need to figure out your NodePatrol pattern. I made several assumptions. 1) that the Origin is in the middle, but you've moved some, (top-left) so the Enemy stops without overlapping, but the code that picks the next NodePatrol picks the non-overlapping items to pick next, which will include the top-left which it just arrived at. 2) (not in this code, but my previous sample) I was just picking the farthest node, but there where only two at the time.

    Once you figure out how to pick the next node, then you can code the steps appropriately.

    a) You haven't set up the HomeZone values on all of the objects. NodePatrols are 1, Enemy is -1, and NodeZone is 0. They need to match.

    b) You need to figure out your NodePatrol pattern. I made several assumptions. 1) that the Origin is in the middle, but you've moved some, (top-left) so the Enemy stops without overlapping, but the code that picks the next NodePatrol picks the non-overlapping items to pick next, which will include the top-left which it just arrived at. 2) (not in this code, but my previous sample) I was just picking the farthest node, but there where only two at the time.

    Once you figure out how to pick the next node, then you can code the steps appropriately.

    You can delete the browser object at any time. It's just logging for debugging.

  • Here's the easy one: You've got the wrong name. Should be "runjump" not "jumprun".

  • "Log in console" writes messages to the browsers Console window. I prefer Chrome for debugging, so if you run your game and press F12, you'll get the Developer Tools window popup. On the Console tab, you'll see all of the messages there. This was invaluable to finding your problems as I just added messages at appropriate places and I could see which code was being called, and which wasn't. Most of the logging is actually gone now, as I changed things around.

  • OpPASS v1-1-4-3 enemy redo_BHT.capx

    I changed a number of things. You'll have to decide if they are for the better.

  • I just added two new behaviours to deal with this.

    Bound to layout Plus, Scroll To Plus

  • These related behaviours are an extension to the default behaviours that let you inset the layout bounds by a given number of pixels. This allows:

    a) Shake can now work on the edges as there is an artificial edge that leaves some area available to shake back onto the screen.

    b) Pathfinding to work outside of the visible boundaries. Pathfinding does not work if you place the find-points outside of the layout. This trick allows that to work.

    20160424 update:

    Bound To Layout Plus (v1.1) - Inset actions and expressions added.

    Scroll To Plus (v1.3) - Inset actions and expressions added.

    20160405 update:

    Scroll To Plus (v1.2) - Enable added.

    Sample CAPX (v1.2) - Enable added on two objects.


    Bound to layout Plus

    Scroll To Plus (v1.1 - fix for r165+)

    Sample CAPX

  • Paradox That's not necessary. I have two instances of the same font now, and On created deals with that.

  • Actually I'm saying the same thing, but maybe I should word it better.

    Edit: I've reworded the sample.

  • California

    Just to be clear could you provide an example of what you mean. I think the short answer is no - I hadn't intended to make this a full blown font drawing package. Someone did mention they where using the tool as a template, and then editing the font in Photoshop. As long as you allow for any extra spacing, at least you get a bunch of work for free (pow-2, widths, etc), even if the graphic is manually adjusted.

  • manual

    LayerToCanvasX/Y is what you want, I think.

  • You seem to be abusing the Function.ReturnValue. You are using it as a global variable, to control your state, but that value is going to change every time a function is called, whether it returns a value or not. You should only be checking the return value immediately after a function call, and holding any state that you need to for later.