blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • You are missing a level of square brackets. You only have two dimensions rather than three.

    (And you don't need to use RAR, save as CAPX - it does the same thing, and is the standard here for posting files).



         "size":[           1,           1,           5      ],


         [           [                [                      "5","2","3","4","5"                ]       




    curteck You set the array sizes either in the array's properties tab or via the 'Array:Set size' action.

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  • Event 12 is wrong. You are testing if all of those speeds are set at the same time (impossible) and then playing every note together (wrong), and repeating this every tick (also wrong). You need to break each of the events into separate events, with just the one appropriate action, and also test that the conditions only trigger once (either "trigger once while true", or some other flag that ensures the note will not play every tick).

  • No, it's a property. Effects: Add/edit...


  • Another alternative (in this case) is to use the SetColor Effect, set to 100,100,100 for white. Use Disable/Enable when needed. This only affects the sprite.

  • Re: older bug report:

    Closing as by design. I'm afraid that it's a limitation of the engine that objects created in subevents are not fully created until the next top-level event. That means newly created instances cannot be used in immediately following sibling events.

    I'm guessing this is your issue. In a group, everything is shifted over one level to the left so your 'For each' loop is a top-level event, but in a Function, it is not. There's no need to make the post-Create events siblings, make them sub-events of the Create and it should all work fine. As sub-events they are still in the scope of the Create.

    One of the few counter-intuitive issues in C2.

  • You need to reverse RomPackWobbles events:

    For each Sprite

       On Timer...

    The issue is that your original On Timer has all Sprites picked at the same time, so the event only gets triggered once. The for-loop checks each individually. The down side is that the for-loop will run constantly, forever.

  • Merry Christmas everyone: Christmas Matchup

  • alt thread

    C2 can't convert every possible WAV file, so you sometimes need to use a separate audio program.

  • Disabling: one option is to put your input events in a group and disable/enable the group when moving.

    Moving/rotating: there are many ways to do this, but the 3rd-party LiteTween/EaseTween gives extensive options for moving in a time period.

    3rd-party plugins

  • Your descriptions don't really match each other. This sample picks the object you click on, and spawns a new sprite at the X coordinate of the mouse, but the Y coordinate of the clicked object.


    Hopefully something in here helps.

  • Sorry, misread the question. If you just need something done once per layout, you use:

    System:On start of layout.

    You put all of your startup code in there, rather than adding 'Trigger once' to all of your conditions.

  • soundtrigger.capx

    Change the Timer=12 to 62.

  • Do 'Set animation' first, then 'Set frame'.

  • It's actually a 'case' issue. You have "Y" in the For-loop, but "y" in the loopindex(). Changing the capital to lower-case fixes the issue. The one that worked, seems to be a fluke.