blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Typically if you need to change an object, you pass in the UID, do a Pick by UID to get the object back, and then change your instance variables right there. If you need to support different objects, put them in a Family with the instance variables you need, and do it that way.

  • There is only a single return value. It has nothing to do with any parameters. You either call it inline with Function.Call() or use Function.ReturnValue immediately after the Function action.

  • The final index will be 99, not 100. Test as a sub-event of Repeat.

    Edit: Wait breaks the scoping, so this won't work.

  • Placing sub events after the Wait will delay them. It's better to use a Timer. Add the timer behaviour to a sprite, and set the timer when needed. You have better control over Timers.

    Edit: don't make multiple threads for the same issue. I just saw your other one. You can stop and start a timer, so you can reset the period as you want.

  • It must/should have also said to change the variable type to "Text" - the default is "Number". Which tutorial are you looking at?

  • HomeGames

    Sorry, I won't be making any changes to the plugin. It was a hack on top of a hack on top of a hack. You could see if this alternative works for you:

  • "On destroyed" is an event on the sprite. "Compare two values" is an event on System.

  • Enemy: On destroyed

    -> Compare two values: random(0,100) < 60

    This will trigger 60% of the time.

  • This is running every tick. Move it into "On start of layout" if you just want it run once.

  • Look at LiteTween:

  • You are responding to "Check item exists", but are you calling it in "On start of layout"? That's the only way any of those triggers will get called. Also, RayKi is correct, You save the highscore and then check if it changed and set it after storing it. The manual suggesting using a Dictionary to store multiple values.

  • You definitely can't mix movement behaviours with physics.

  • If it is all instances you need, then:

    For each Enemy

    ->TotalHealth 'Add to' Enemy.Health

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