blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • I cleaned up a few things but the main problem I saw was that you were starting two async operations at once, but expecting them to occur in order. Check localstorage after you've got the AJAX data, since the Dictionary group isn't turned on until then. You also don't need the extra Get step as the data is already there on an "exists".

    I've tried to remember to disable anything I changed so you can see the before and after. It wasn't clear what else might not be working. You'll need to explain specific examples.

  • A for loop is synchronous. Just because Local Storage is async, don't think anything else is. Your counter mechanism shouldn't be necessary. Post a CAPX for specific help.

  • "Find path" is an asynchronous operation - it takes time to calculate. You can't call "Move along path" right away. Add "On path found" and then do "Move along path".

  • Indices start at 0, so you can only index 0,1,2 for an array with a size of 3.

  • C2 loops 60 times a second, and when you have isAlive=0, it's replaying the sound every 1/60 of a second. Either play your sound when the player dies, or change the isAlive value to something else in event 11.

  • This has been documented many times. You can't pick a newly created object until the next top-level event.

  • Make sure there is no white-space before the xml. Just having one space before the "<" bracket will cause it t fail. I just tried a hard code test with your example and it does work, but with anything before the xml, it won't.

  • In the mouse click event, only that object will be picked, so you can do whatever you want to just that picked object. You have to go out of your way for that not to work.

  • You have to build up the list of elements. The Text object has an Append action, but TextBox doesn't, so you need to append the list manually. Otherwise you would be replacing each element with the next one. I think your main problem was not setting the size of the Z dimension, so your depth was actually only 1, therefore stopped at "banana".

  • Swap the For & the TextBox events.

  • For "z" 0 to Array.Depth-1 -> Array.At(loopindex("z"))

    That will loop through each item in Z.

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  • Slider/Fifteen Puzzle — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>The classic tile-sliding game with 15 numbered tiles and one blank space to move the tiles around with. The game is complete, using an included plugin to solve the game layout as quickly as possible. Options for shuffling the tiles in only valid combinations and automatically solving the puzzle are included, as well as the ability to revert the moves instead of solving.</p><p>Template requires the LiteTween ( and rex_text_fpsmonitor ( behaviours. They are not required of any final game, if you choose to do the movement/fps reporting differently.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Slider/Fifteen Puzzle

  • Being invisible has nothing to do with being clickable. Move your mouse events into the appropriate Group with the other object events. Also , make Carvão visible by default, but in "On startup" make it invisible. ... 2_BHT.capx