Update available: https://software.intel.com/en-us/xdk/do ... -intel-xdk
Just go to the bottom of this page, download the latest stable release (safest), and run the installer. It's pretty straight forward.
You are off-by-one. Your grid is 20x15, which would be 0 to 19, 0 to 14. You have to include zero in your count.
What you have works. I've added event 20 that looks for every rock and checks the index above it for air, and turns the rock to grass (this is easier than converting the air above it to grass, as then you need to check for two air blocks).
http://www.blackhornettechnologies.com/ ... s_BHT.capx
I added the missing blocks, since you were still generating other types.
http://www.blackhornettechnologies.com/ ... rouch.capx
You just need to keep track of what state you are in. If on the ground, set a variable to 1, else set it to 0. Then use that to see which action state you are in when pressing the button/key, do the correct action, and update the state.
That's picking the sprite with IID=5, in other words, the 6th sprite, out of however many are currently picked. You need to use the event to pick by UID.
Either use containers, or store the barrel UID in the tank, so you can pick it on tank destroy, so you can destroy it.
This has to do with picking a newly created object. This has been discussed many times. Pick isn't guaranteed to work until the next top-level event. So in this example, if you make a second "On start of layout" and move the two function calls there, it will work.
https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1324/s ... e-part-two
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
The store link is still not working after the recent site problems.
I think this is better. The JunctAvailDirect is in the wrong place. You need to build the array for each junction that is ready for a change. I've moved it under event 142. I've cleaned it up too.
This still isn't perfect. There is still an issue when the wall is sliding - ghosts can overlap walls, and I still see the occasional invalid wall crossing, but they seem less, and I don't know if this is because the sliding issue leaves something in a funny state. I also just thought about two ghosts being on the same junction - does this cause an issue?
http://www.blackhornettechnologies.com/ ... r_bht.capx
Clean water is often considered a rare commodity in this scenario.
See if this helps:
You've got "On Down" under "NOT platform moving", so it's only triggered if the player isn't moving (no keys pressed).