blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • Your txtError object isn't long enough. Make it wider.

  • You could convert the UID of the laser to a string and use that as the tag. That would make the tag unique per instance, even for the same sound.

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  • Use a service like, to upload a CAPX file (Save as Single File...).

    You said you click on a building, so you should have something like "On touched object X", so X is selected at that point, and you can save it's UID to a global: gvar = X.UID

  • There are none. You misunderstand. You make globals when you need them. You need to do some more tutorials to understand how things work.

  • Are your IDs fixed? IE: a hammer always has the same ID (let's say 0), axe is always 1... If your IDs are fixed, and can be numbers, then they are your Y index. Z is your instance variables.

  • You're thinking of storing the level and item, but that's not really the way to think of it, although there are different ways of doing it. You don't need to search for a level, your level maps to the index in X -> LevelA is X=0, LevelB is X=1... Your items map to Y, ItemA is Y=0, ItemB is Y=1. So the statistics for Level B, Item C are always (1,2,z). The array only contains the stat data. You do need to know the Y index for each item though. You could alternatively store the item ID always at Z=0, so then you could search for it in Y, and your statistics would always be from Z=1, to ...

  • You can't extract data from each dimension independently. A three dimensional array has to be indexed with an X, Y and Z index each time. Maybe provide a sample of the data in your array to make things clearer.

  • You need an array. Then store the array. OR, you need two variables. One for the sum (variableB), and one for the number of times the sum has been added (variableC). Then your average is variableB/variableC.

  • Yes a single sprite with instance variables will work. You set each instance's variables uniquely.

  • When you click on the building it should be the only picked building, so just set your text object to building.Name, or whatever your instance variable is. An alternative for the Selected instance variable is a Global that is set to the UID of the currently selected building. Then whenever you need to do something with that building, you can pick it by UID, with that global. Using an instance variable can be done, but you need a Pick all buildings first, so you can set the value to 0, then when you pop back to the top level you set the selected value to 1.

    It would be easier if you posted a CAPX. It will save time for any further questions.

  • You can't store an average in one variable. You need to store each variableA when you quit, so that you can take the average of all of the values.

  • When Shoot is finished, set it to Idle.

  • "On finished" is the best way.

  • Just to be clear, that will only increase the speed of bullets that exist at that time. It won't affect future bullets. You'd need a global to manage that.