bioded's Forum Posts

  • One more question:

    I have bullet animation frame same as objects animation frame, how i can do this:

    if objects on screen with animation frame equal to 0, then dont spawn bullet with this animation frame

    Thanks a lot!

  • dop2000 - you are my hero! Thanks a lot!

  • And quick question - i have objects closely to each other, if objects collide with bullet then destroy. But sometimes my bullet destroys two nearest objects, how i can fix it?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks again man! Its works!

  • Hello, how can i count objects on screen and then work with them?

    i have 4 objects, if they all have sprite animation frame equal to 4, then destroy.


  • Thank you very much! I will try all methods

  • Thank you! But im not sure thats im understand how to use this for me. My player jump above obstacles, if player jump about 100 pixels over obstacles then +5 points, if 200 pixels over obstalces +10 points etc.

  • How can I check the distance? If the character of a certain zone is +5 points, if in another it is +10, thanks

  • Its works but seems like i mean little bit another system. Now its works - first touch character jump, second touch - double jump, hold touch - character fall down with speed.

    And i want when character jump first time touch characer jump and after that player hold touch - character fall down with speed.

    For example - first touch screen, character start jump amd then after that if im hold touch - character starts fall down with speed.

    double touch screen, character starts double jump and then if im hold touch - character starts fall down with speed.

    Hoply you understand that :) Thank you very much for your help

  • Oh, its works, but too big delay after first jump and starting fall with speed


    But this is dont work :(

    Like this? Sorry for stupid questions, im new in C3.

  • Hi, im trying to make as you say, but in not sure thats im understanding how "Else" works. So this is screenshot of my character control:

  • Hey, i have now one more question - this condition works only after my character did double jump, how i can do this after any jump?

  • All you have to do is change the gravity on the hold event.

    Thanks man! Its works!

  • Hello, im making game with touch control and platformer behavior, when im touch one time - my character jump, when im double touch - my character make double jump, and i want make this - if character make jump or double jump and im hold touch - charater fall down with acceleration, when im stop holding - character stops accelerating. I want someting like on Dune game from Voodoo -